. A . D
There is a very clear line between what is chicken-soup (kosher) and
what is completely illegal. Or maybe not so - when white and black
businessmen suddenly get very rich overnight, leaving many stones
turned in the process or when international fugitives live a life
of luxury, seemingly immune from any prosecution. Oh, don't forget
our two former mayors or premiers or whatever that means - Peter Marais
and Gerald Morkel. They have inflicted irreparable damage upon the
culture of Western Cape politics so much so that I would not be surprised
to hear that an American production house was buying the film rights.
At the very top of the business food chain in South Africa, fat cats,
both white and black, have conducted deals in a way which is no better
than stealing money from a pensioner. The arms deal has left the credibility
of the government (if there ever was any) in tatters and made certain
individuals (who certainly do not deserve it) extremely wealthy. So
our beginning statement has holes in it - these days, it is in fact
extremely difficult to distinguish between what is right and what
is wrong.
However, there is one little illegal operation, distributing in the
northern and southern suburbs in Cape Town which is different. We
shall refer to it as D.A.D - the bulk of the story should depict exactly
which operation I'm referring to.
South Africa has a couple of silly little rules regarding the availability
and distribution of alcohol which have survived the democratic transition
and exist to this very day. Why they exist is questionable; maybe
addressing the nature of these laws is an afternoon affair for all
our politicians? If so, then I can see why nothing gets done. After
the lunches that are served in Parliament's canteen, there are only
two options. 1) Golf course 2) Mr. Video (I'm serious - ask anyone
about the time politicians were asked to listen to a guest American
professor on the subject of child abuse and child protection structure
- you'll find that certain individuals, responsible for local economic
welfare were at the 11th tee at The Metropolitan Golf Course. No names
mentioned but Kent Morkel you were spotted and like-father-like-son.
Archaic as the laws may be, they have however provided an opportunity
which has since been turned into a thriving and highly admirable business.
With respect to the individuals, names have been changed to protect
the sustenance of the service.
Take *Marcus, *Keegan and *Lincoln. Three individuals with depth and
insight, observing the hostile employment conditions at the same time
as being inspired by Mr. Delivery and other organizations intent on
globalization. Then take the laws mentioned above and put the two
into our first equation. The result, you'll find, spells the word
'opportunity'. The 'opportunity' was not only dangerous, but highly
illegal too. Instead of wasting time weighing up the odds, a decision
to organize themselves into a professional outfit was made. 'Success
is the result of brave decisions and great risks.' Never a truer word
Recently, an operation not unlike the one in question caught the headlines
(the headlines of a local Fish Hoek newsweekly that is). This formerly
'dry' town caught an individual delivering 2 cases of Hansa, a bottle
of Russian Bear and a case of Smirnoff Ice to a group of soon-to-be
matriculants. Well, you can imagine the drivel that was spoken at
the 6th Community Church (there are 78 of them in the area) that evening.
Satan had apparently arrived in a red Toyota conquest wearing a baggy
Mad Dogs t-shirt and Buffalo Boots (that they got right - if Beelzebub
does in fact wear shoes - the odds on Buffalo boots are good). 'Where
was God when we needed him most? Brother David Burger, fisherman,
Durbanite and preacher at the Sun Valley Parish was not impressed
when I phoned for information surrounding the incident. 'You want
to celebrate these people? For causing more alcoholism in a country
already famed for it?' We are trying to instill wholesome values into
the youth - both you and the business of alcohol sale and delivery
are conflicting with the principles of God.' 'Um, does your parish
follow the teachings of Pastor Ray McCauley?' 'Yes, we are affiliated
to the Rhema Movement.' Right then, I'm beginning to sweat already.
'Any wife-swapping or match - fixing?'
Our organization in question, opposition aside, is an example of good
fortune and, very importantly, a success within itself in terms of
the scope of equity (I have met black drivers, colored drivers, a
charming white lady and even a Russian). In terms of service framework,
D.A.D can start challenging other established distribution companies
for area coverage and volume (put that it pipe and smoke it, Butlers,
not bad for a company which doesn't exactly splash itself across The
Yellow Pages). Yet perhaps the most attractive element of D.A.D is
the actual service and the style in which it is presented. The drivers
I have met are knowledgeable, friendly, charming and, unlike the black-tie-wearing,
beetle-driving-bastard who threatened me when I never gave him a tip
(I was 13 at the time), seemingly grateful. I have a philosophy that
people who drive with their stereos on loud for the whole world to
hear (no, loud-loud, so that 'You're my mate' or whatever driving
through Green Point can be heard in Baraza) should be treated no different
than two male dogs trying to roger each other under the dinner table
at a party - with a bucket of cold water or a hose pipe (whenever
I hear 'Informer' by Snow, I check the radio to see which DJ deserves
a beating - if it's not the radio, then I know it's Paul Adams, driving
somewhere near the Hungry Lion outlet in Claremont). Thank goodness
nothing like this happens on a D.A.D delivery; the sound of your doorbell
ringing amidst an environment of agitated guests whilst you are trying
your best not to look like an under-catering prick is harmony within
it's own sweet action. The entrance into the back of the kitchen is
discreet, the driver waits patiently for the money and before you
know it, you've saved your precious reputation as a good host from
*Marcus, *Keegan and *Lincoln were justifiably reserved in letting
the facts out. I could not get answers for questions about their biggest
deliveries or closest calls. Nothing about tips or strange requests
either. One has to recognize that this remains an illegal operation,
and whilst their story sits in between inspiration and madness, one
has to respect their anonymity and discretion. However, the story
is almost romantic in it's start - from conceptualization until the
point we are now - even if we never heard the accurate history, we
could do just as well making their story up in our own minds. Any
way you look at it - a small group of people starting an illegal operation,
highly dangerous with opposition not only from the police but from
community groups (and dogs) - having overcome the initial barrier
of becoming established, but not too established is an achievement
our thieving banker businessmen could learn from; if you want to do
something illegal, keep it above the waist and out of the piggy banks
of retirement villages or government budgets.
The last time I ordered I noticed that the success was beginning to
show. Not in arrogant and flashy ways, but in the sense that whatever
earnings were made were injected right back into the maintenance of
the business. Sunglasses upon the charming lady driver were now Christian
Dior as opposed to no-names (the sun can be merciless in a Cape Town
summer), the car was better and faster than any one I had seen (firstly,
some of the areas of delivery are dodgy and, secondly, police wagons
are slow, but not that slow) and the cooler unit in the boot had increased
in size. Even if the previous evaluations are irrelevant, the effort
in keeping the product cold cannot go unnoticed. Such a simple and
transparent operation is executed with finesse and attention to detail.
One of the funniest men in the world has to be Nöel Godin - Belgium'
s celebrated 'Pied-Sniper' and the man who has thrown cake in the
faces of Bill Gates, the self-proclaimed 'greatest writer of my generation'
Bernard-Henri Lévy and American television evangelist, Jerry O'Dell
to name but a few. I quote, "When we start judging everything on a
daily basis, we are already taking ourselves to seriously. The substances
of marijuana and alcohol and the presence of porn and nudity are now
issues that we must accept as normal in order to save ourselves from
permanent pessimism. There are far worse things to worry about."
Brother Dave from Sun Valley Parish, here ends the lesson.
Running out of alcohol at your own party is as embarrassing as it
is as hard to believe, especially when the sun has not even set. I
have seen this provoke some disturbing behavior, no different to that
of our Sports Minister when he does not get his daily truckload of
Eskort pork sausages; bored and arrogant.
Like television continuity presenters, there is actually no reason
why the organization should exist. But there-in lies the answer; it's
just one of those crazy, adorable luxuries which life presents to
the lucky few who find them.
On behalf of 2oceans.com, we thank you for your insight, your efforts
and your consistency. Just a little thought; if you own that youngster
who was caught in Fish Hoek, buy him a pair of trainers. Buffalo boots,
although rated highly in terms of criminal credibility, aren't exactly
ideal getaway shoes. In fact, he should have been thrown in jail just
for wearing them. Never-the-less, our second and final equation -
service+manners=success - may you have many more years of it.
Reader is a producer and consultant for a South African communications
company. He intends to complete his first novel within the next year.The
views of the writer are his own and may not be supported by the website-
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