Uses more brain than necessary
I receive all sorts of email every day from various readers - some happy, some sad. Some readers challenge things I have said which can often turn into healthy, insightful debate.
But then I get emails from special people who challenge something I have said and, in the process, reiterate everything I said in the first place. It can only be compared to popping a wheelie and falling over backwards. It's probably got to do with being taken off the tit early.
Please enjoy this wonderful piece of literature from Andre V where he refers to the note I received from Mavis.
Name = Andre V
Message = Hi Seth
Dont you think that note from you maid Mavis is a bit over the top??? No, really !!! is a bit over the top!!
Do you really think that all your readers is so stupid to see that that handwriting is not from you maid. Maids are usually not of high education status, and most people with low education status, usually does not have nice handwriting.
Point is...........your just gonna deny this anyway....... I just wanted to make a point that not all the readers of your website is as stupid as you think.
Seeya !
Hi Andre,
Do you really think I is so stupid to see that your email is not from you, but from your maid? My readers are usually not of low education status, and most people with high education status, usually does not have appalling spelling and grammar - similar to that of a neanderthal.
Point is........your just gonna deny this anyway..... I just wanted to make a point that not all the readers of my website is as clever as I thought.
PS. Furthermore, my dear Andre, I think you will find that your email reiterates my article entirely. I DO think the note is over the top. I AM impressed by Mavis's handwriting. That is PRECISELY the reason why I wrote the article and that is PRECISELY the reason why I am so blown away.
You don't have to believe it, my love, but it sort of takes away the point of this website. Imagine if I just made everything up? What would be fun about that?
Shame, I think I know a little boy who needs a lie down.....
Or must mommy go and fetch the wooden spoon?
Seth Rotherham