It's how you always dreamt it!
I enjoyed briefly lying to my mates when I showed them an advert on the net with a Brazilian chick in it, with my name tattooed on her shoulder. I said she was an ex of mine but I axed were when she started getting a little psychotic.
Here is a screen shot from the ad.
Ja, you like that, don't you?
Why don't you go and do it yourself, with your name? I think that would just be the cherry on top, don't you reckon? Great fun for the whole family!
Follow these simple, yet stylish instructions:
1 .Go to
2. Type your first name on the 1st line (Seth)
3. Type your 2nd name on the 2nd line (Rotherham)
4. Skip the email address thing and just click on "Vizualizar" and see what happens...
Oh yeah, you rock!
thanks claire
Seth Rotherham