As Camps Bay hosts an addictive blend of sport, alcohol and sex
If you missed Caprice and Camps Bay on Saturday, consider yourself unlucky. As a gift to their 30 most regular clients (and, coincidentally it seems, their most good looking), Dave and the team at Cappers arranged a Volleyball tournament on the beach with a large supply of free alcohol and food.
Home sweet home
I settled into a quiet lunch at Caprice as the mayhem ensued on the beach. When the third report arrived at the table with reference to the "five fucking hot Brazilians", I knew I couldn't hold back much longer.
I braved Victoria road and descended upon Camps Bay beach.
Spike it
Good heavens! What a scene! Bodies, booze and happiness EVERYWHERE! Spectators cruised between the volleyball, tanning, swimming and the on-the-beach bar that Caprice had somehow managed to organise.
I think I know a tired little boy
Whilst everyone gave it their best shot, no-one could stop the power and punch of "The Free Tequila's", a team headed up by Christine Leigh. Pipping Malibu in the final assured them of the the title! Congratulations!
And lastly, Thanks to Angie from the AWOL side for adding a very special and welcomed G.I. Jane element to the day. Bless you, angel.
And to Kris Erasmus, welcome back my boy!
Absolutely fine with that
Seth Rotherham