While they’re the largest bird in the world, ostriches can’t fly, but they sure as hell can swim pretty damn well.
Situated in SA’s West Coast National Park, the Langebaan lagoon is home to many fish and birds of flight, but seeing an ostrich having a dip in there is relatively rare. However, those giant creatures have become increasingly curious and are now familiarising themselves with the lagoon waters.
Living in the park the birds do not really migrate and their movements are restricted by the game fence surrounding the park. They are, however, very inquisitive and are always moving around the park investigating new areas which now also include cooling off in the waters of the lagoon.
The swimming takes place from the lagoon shore into the lagoon and the ostriches are territorial and often a bird or a pair of birds will aggressively defend a specific area, which is often the case during the breeding season.
The swimming phenomenon is something new to the park and is unusual.
Check out the full story on IOL.