Friday, March 14, 2025

God bless Chris T who saved us from certain suicide as he emailed us the song that everyone has been emailing in about. I must say it is quite embarrassing to be the last to know. It doesn’t happen very often. I apologise.

But now, I must tell you about this song. For those of you who haven’t heard it, it is nothing short of hilarious. It has clearly been made by Capetonians who are taking the piss out of everything. The words are very clever and it has a helluva catchy tune!

I knew the only way to test it for the summer was to play it in my car. I did and I tell you what, I fucking LOVED it! The chorus just makes you want to throw your hands up in the air and wave them around like (yip, you guessed it) you just don’t care!

DO YOURSELF A FAVOUR, and play this song on high volume in your car. Just do it now.

I have taken the pleasure in making two versions for you. The first is MP4 format for iTunes and the second is Windows Media format.


“No Matter” – By Will & G

Download for iTunes (m4a file) (3.5Mb)

Download for Windows (wma file) (3.5Mb)

We advise right clicking the link and ‘save target as’

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