Cape Town's hottest ticket fails to disappoint
Ladies and gentlemen, I am happy to announce that genuine international five-star dining is now available right here, in Cape Town. "theshowroom" (actual spelling) restaurant in Green Point seems to understand that a full dining experience takes more than just a good view. These guys have even cottoned onto the concept of "service". How novel.
I am always annoyed when I get asked if I have experienced something, when I haven't. I've been getting it quite regularly for two completely different things. I was asked over 300 times if I've watched the movie "The Devil Wears Prada" and the annoyance of having to continuously reply in the negative necessitated a solo Sunday morning viewing at the Waterfront. I loved it. It's fucking brilliant. Watch it. Seriously. I fucking loved it. The second constant question I was being asked was whether or not I had dined at theshowroom. I kept saying no, until I realised that it wasn't going away.
Show room this.
Show room that.
"ANGEL! Let's get a table at theshowroom, for God's sake!"
I didn't have any background to the restaurant (or probably didn't listen when I was told) and only realised it's unique location when I got there. The restaurant is on one side of the Bloomsbury "investment cars" (whatever) luxury vehicle showroom. At the bottom of Harbour Edge in town next to Cape Town's infamous unfinished flyover.

I like the heart rate monitor in the background .
Oh! I get it!
Like a show room.
I must say, what is in essence the height of ostentatiousness, it (the venue and concept of having full view of R3million motor vehicles whilst indulging in top-end cuisine) is both brilliant and hilarious. It reminds me of my eight foot mounted poster of Paris Hilton I have in the Bantry Bay house. Such open flagrant celebration of the queen of superficial allows me to get away with being shallow. It actually indicates how deep I am. I am deep enough to know that I am shallow. Similar vibe...

Seth is deep enough to know that he is shallow
Back to theshowroom..... The small, split-level, white-on-white, mod 60-seater has got the mix just right. Obviously intending to create a local variation of the UK's celebrity chef culture (God help us), owner and chef, Bruce Robertson, (who decided that his full signature should form part of the logo as well as embossed on the menus) operates from a minute open kitchen in the downstairs section of the restaurant. I didn't spot any tantrums and the vibe between the staff in the kitchen is quite marvelous to watch. No one more so than Robertson's sidekick, the impressive Leigh Trout (I know) who bobs and weaves around his mentor like a shadow boxer in the ring - pure entertainment, keep an eye on him.
The show from the kitchen forms a minor part of the overall experience which Robertson has managed to tie together perfectly. Flawless presentation aside, the food will awaken your taste buds from their slumber and challenge them to a life of being better taste buds. I had the oysters to start which Blues Restaurant might want to have a look at. The menu is created around a large range of sauces, each of which add a unique taste explosion to your main dish. I ordered the springbok shank and went for the Chakalaka sauce. Sensational! My fellow diners all insisted that their particular choices HAD to be the best thing they had ever tasted. I am troubled by the daunting task of now having to try every dish on the menu, using every sauce combination. Seriously, it might have to be done.
From the smiles on the faces and the product knowledge and advice, it is quite obvious that the staff (thank you, Romy) have undergone real training. I use the word 'real' because Wafu restaurant (above and part of Wakame in Mouille Point) use the word 'training' and 'trained' incredibly loosely. Wessel at The Winchester Mansions in Sea Point has also apparently been 'trained'. Whatever, guys. Pop into theshowroom for some lessons.
Keep it up, Bruce and co., you've got it right.
This week sees them serving tables amongst the actual cars at Bloomsbury. I'm booked for Thursday lunch. Can't wait.
10 Hospital Street
Harbour Edge
Green Point
(If you don't have satellite navigation in your car (quite blind) then just turn right at your first traffic lights as you enter Somerset Road from Buitengracht.)
Call them on +27 (0)21 421 4682
Anymore than that I can't help you.
I mean.....really. I can't hold your fucking hand here.
Seth Rotherham