Former SA Minister’s Incredible Excuse For Catching Private Jet Flights With The Guptas

Former mineral resources minister Mosebenzi Zwane wants you to believe there was nothing untoward about him flying aboard the Gupta family’s private jet.
MKVA Soldiers Are Having A Blast At Nkandla [Video]

Marching, singing, and a menacing looking roly-poly were all on show as crowds gathered outside Jacob Zuma’s compound.
Jacob Zuma Doesn’t Give A Damn About That ConCourt Ruling

The former president has hit back at last week’s Constitutional Court ruling that he has to appear before the Zondo Commission, likening his treatment to that which he received at the hands of the apartheid government.
The ‘Fat Cakes’ Zondo Video Shows Exactly Why SAA Is In Such A Mess

Spare a thought for Raymond Zondo, who was forced to sit through yesterday’s State Capture Commission of Inquiry appearance by former SAA board member Yakhe Kwinana.
UPDATED: Zuma Pulls Out Of The Zondo Commission

Zuma and his legal team believe they have been treated unfairly, and they have announced that he will no longer participate in the Zondo Commission.
Zuma Threw A Hissy Fit At The State Capture Commission Yesterday

Day three of the Zondo Commission came to a grinding halt after Jacob Zuma said he was being treated unfairly. Shame, poor guy.
Zapiro Nails Zuma’s State Capture Testimony As Lies Unravel [Videos]

Day two at the Zondo commission, and Jacob’s memory seemed to fail him. Zapiro took aim and nailed his target, as did some analysts.
The Big Talking Points From A Crazy First Day Of Zuma’s State Capture Testimony

Yesterday, former president Jacob Zuma appeared before the Zondo commission of inquiry into state capture. He came in all guns blazing.
Zuma Had A Huge Chuckle Mocking The ‘Zuma Must Go’ Ladies [Video]

Remember those dancing ‘Zuma must go’ ladies? In preparation for his appearance at Zondo commission of inquiry into state capture, our former president had himself a chuckle.