Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles is a popular animated TV series from the ’80s that keeps getting the film treatment. From its first adaptation in 1990, we’ve seen several attempts at a quintessential Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles film. While there’s no clear front runner, its been a case of hit-and-run for studios exhuming one nostalgic franchise after another.
It seems strange that LEGO, the beloved building block toy brand, has only just got a movie adaptation in The LEGO Movie. Well, it was worth the wait… because The LEGO Movie is nothing short of AWESOME! While still regarded as a toy for kids, it’s a rite of passage for many people who used to […]
In the modern times in which we find ourselves, the definition of a “real man” has become somewhat blurred. Male grooming, manscaping and metrosexuality have all but replaced rugged faces, calloused hands and auto-mechanical knowledge. As a result of this, a few brave men have set about creating a documentary that seeks to answer the question, what is a real man?