After years of trying to find the perfect diet pill, with no side effects, scientists think they may have uncovered the cure for worldwide obesity.
You won’t be able to take this advice on board for the time being, but if we ever emerge from these water restrictions there’s some good news for bathers.
Charlize Theron is back to her method acting ways, and has gained a little weight in order to adequately portray a mother of three.
You wouldn’t think that Ice-Cream Therapy would provide you with a fat-reducing effect, now did you?
An Australian woman has emerged after being lost in the forest for over two weeks, managing to survive on river water, insects and fish.
Science researchers have studied WHY people eat in the ways they do, and have offered up some solutions to get your weight-loss rolling while sticking on your same diet.
Last year, over 2,500 respondents participated in the SA National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey, the results of which were published on Tuesday. The survey showed that 22% of South African children between the ages of two and five are either overweight or obese – that’s 10% higher than in the United States. On average, 60% of women aged 50 years and above have waist measurements of 88cm or more.
Breathe the weight away is what former Japanese actor Miki Ryosuke is claiming. If you simply concentrate on your breathing and take long breathes and exhale aggressively for two to five minutes daily, you will lose weight.
Okay, this might seem like it belongs in the same dark vault of impossible philosophical conundrums as “How much wood would a wood chuck chuck” but hear the hot IT nerd out: