Tuesday, March 11, 2025

Did Morrissey Order A Hit On A Fan?

For those of you that remember our old indie friend, Morrissey, he’s making some waves on the celeb gossip platform. Bad publicity is better than no publicity…?

Starting A Business? Here’s A Checklist For Getting Online [INFOGRAPHIC]

If you’ve just started your own business, it’s vital that you get online as soon as possible. Whether or not you’re selling your product or service online, the internet is where people are going to find you. Annoyingly, getting online isn’t as dead simple as you might think, especially if you have no experience in the area. Lucky for you, this infographic will sort you out.

[UPDATE] Who Is The Man Behind The Free State Government’s Website? [PICS]

We received a tip in the comments section of the this post yesterday, that a gentleman by the name of Siyanda Dondashe is one of the people sitting on a bag of gold from the R140 million (or R40 million, depending on which report you believe) website redesign deal for the Free State Government. Cherry […]

Free State Pays R140 Million For Redesign Of Website

The Free State Government has reportedly spent R140 million to redesign their website over a period of three years. The deal was signed off by director general Elzabe Rockman, who now claims that the tender was for R40 million and not the reported R140 million. The basic WordPress theme on which the site was built costs […]

SA Cricket Sponsor Forgets To Buy Web Address

It’s nothing short of remarkable that Sunfoil, the cooking oil sponsor of SA Cricket, forgot to buy sunfoil.co.za – right up until the second last test that we played. The domain name was quietly snapped up by local marketing company, Bletchley Park – who are now using it to promote one of their brands – […]

What Today’s Biggest Websites Looked Like Back Then

Google, Facebook, Twitter, Yahoo, and Amazon have become synonymous with what we perceive as “cool” on the internet today. But these vintage screen caps of some of the world’s most-loved sites suggest one thing: if the net was high school back then, none of these websites would have had any friends.