“Matthew, when he gets a notion, he rides it like a bucking bull!”
A single prop KR2 plane was forced to make a dramatic emergency landing on a busy street, with all of it captured by a dashcam.
Over the weekend, stricter gun legislation was the rallying reason for mass protests across the States. There were some truly memorable signs.
Ever wondered just what people do to get their Instagram accounts to the next level? Hard work and dedication, just like the owner of DC Food Porn does.
As ISIS grows, it seems that the rest of the world aren’t really sure on how to handle them and their impending attacks.
A broken leg might stop some mere mortals from performing, but Dave Grohl doesn’t subscribe to that line of thinking. The show must go on and the Foo Fighters icon is loving it.
It has been a long time coming but finally the ill-feeling around the Confederate flag has boiled over into the defacement of statues. Here it comes America.
Everyone looks for different things in their ideal carpool partner and there are certain fundamentals one should not budge on. This guy has the right idea.
I am definitely getting my 86-year old granny to do this over Christmas. Maybe my dad too. We can make a big Christmas video to show future generations.
There’s one sure thing to make your weekend THAT much better: some Denzel Washington beating up some fools and taking names.
The small rural community of Arlington, Washington, has been almost completely destroyed, following a massive mudslide. The death toll has risen to 14 with many more citizens unaccounted for. The before and after pictures show just how devastating the landslide was.
Footage of the dramatic Washington car chase that left the female driver dead has surfaced. A child was in the car with the woman, but was unharmed. Check out this report. Here’s an eyewitness account: The Secret Service guy was just having a cow. Yelling at her and banging on the car. She ran the barricade down […]
Crazy woman killed in police car chase from White House. Twitter files IPO. Instagram: it’s time. SA teens can have sex now. Rhino horn traded openly in JHB. Adobe loses 2.9 million customer records.
13 dead in Washington shooting. Costa Concordia is upright. Miley/Liam are overs. Saudi prince won’t sell Twitter shares. Wynberg Girls High School R500k staff theft. Brad cuts his hair. Iran allows Facebook/Twitter. Bombardier’s Boeing/Airbus challenger.
Archbishop Tutu is set to deliver a commencement address at a Catholic university in the States this month, but his visit has drawn the ire of several Catholic groups who claim the Arch’s views are not a good fit for the institution that invited him. They have some petitions going, the University has yet to speak out, and we’ve got the full skinny on their righteous campaigning to stop the Arch, after the jump!