CT doctors ‘war zone’ strategies. SA’s impending food crisis. Swiss avalanche. MAGA teen sues WashPost for $250 million. Mazzotti’s home raided. Sandhurst waterboarding. Burberry noose hoodie. Lady Gaga break-up.
The most recent SA crime stats made for tough reading, including a 7% spike in the murder rate. Is there any validity to the ‘war zone’ comparison going around?
The Cape Flats is a war zone and it’s been like that for years. So why do we still live in a time when children can’t go to school?
It is a normal human response for us to see disaster or danger somewhere and then avoid that area like the plague. Of course, what we fail to compute, is that there are a hundred other things that we do daily that are equally, if not more, dangerous than hopping on a plane.