The Hoff’s Daughter Is In The Latest Playboy

There’s a new curve model on the cover of Playboy, and it’s David Hasselhoff’s gorgeous daughter, Hayley.
Finally: Justin Bieber and David Hasselhoff Driving In K.I.T.T [Video]

Watch Justin Bieber and David Hasselhof have a little chat as they prepare to drive off in KITT, the Pontiac Trans Am from Knight Rider.
The Hoff And Kitt In New Ad For Samsung [Video]

David Hasselhoff and Kitt return in Samsung’s latest ad, although the dynamic duo aren’t getting on as well as they used to.
WATCH: David Hasselhoff’s ‘Thirsty For Love’ Iced Coffee Ad Is The Best Thing You’ll See Today [VIDEO]

David Hasselhoff is still alive! The Kight Rider is back with this sensational number, “Thirsty for Love” for Cumberland Farms Iced Coffee. We cannot overstate how excellent this is for starting your day.
David Hasselhoff Covers Madonna
It kills me to admit this, but I was not aware that The Hoff had covered a Madonna song! And not just ANy song – he covered La Isla Bonita – possibly one of her more hilarious tunes! The entire spectacle and magic that David Hasselhoff offers the world is so great that I doubt we will ever be able to fathom it in its entirety. Enjoy this mere drop in the ocean that is The Hoff!