Here’s Why Orphans Are Going To Suffer Because Of The Steinhoff Scandal

Shareholders aren’t the only ones suffering as a result of the Steinhoff scam. Charities are now set to lose out when the company cuts off its donations.
Markus Jooste’s Best Quotes From Yesterday’s Parliament Grilling [Video]

The disgraced businessman was made to face the music in Parliament yesterday, with MPs firing questions his way. Here’s something of a highlights reel.
Thursday Morning Spice

Tekkie Town founder sues Steinhoff. Three dead in Zim election violence. Trump demands probe ends. Apple nears $1 trillion. Spur gang shooting. Booze can reduce dementia risk. Rappers airport brawl.
Local Author Reckons Steinhoff Could Be The Tip Of The Iceberg

There have been few business collapses quite as spectacular as what we’ve seen from Steinhoff, but James-Brent Styan reckons more heads could roll.
Christo Wiese Implicated In Massive Tax-Dodging Scheme

Billionaire Christo Wiese has allegedly been caught up in a tax evasion scheme, that saw him skipping out on paying SARS a small fortune.
Viceroy Research Hits Back At Accusations Of Plagiarising Steinhoff Report

A shocking new report alleges that Viceroy plagiarised much of the research that ran Steinhoff into the ground. Viceroy aren’t taking it lying down.
Steinhoff’s Latest Financial Report Was A Bloodbath

Everyone knew the company’s interim report was going to paint a bleak picture, but few expected it to pack such a punch.
It’s Turning Into A Nightmare Year For Christo Wiese

Things are looking rather bleak for the embattled billionaire right now, after another company in which he holds stock took a massive hit.
Everyone’s Trying To Guess Where Markus Jooste Is Hiding

Now’s not really the time for Markus Jooste to be out and about, and he seems to be doing a decent job of keeping a low profile. Where is he hiding?
Interesting: The Founder Of Tekkie Town Is Cool With Markus Jooste

Tekkie Town aren’t very impressed with Steinhoff right now, but it seems that founder Braam van Huysteen isn’t going to judge Markus Jooste too hastily.
Ouch – Tekkie Town Trying To Reverse Monster Steinhoff Acquisition

I imagine Tekkie Town cracked a few cold ones when they sold their business to Steinhoff for R3,2 billion, although they’re not very impressed nowadays.
Wednesday Morning Spice

Jooste calls for help. De Lille will fight. Trump bails on Iran deal. City responds to iceberg theory. AfriForum tackles Grace. Leopard eats toddler. Record auction. Baldness cure. Chelsea racism scandal. Taylor and Katy make up.
You Might Want To Buy One Of Christo Wiese’s Jets He’s Selling

Have some spare dough lying around, and want to snap up a jet previously owned by Christo Wiese? You have two options, my friend.
SA Horse Racing Industry Has Just Been Dealt A Massive Blow

One of the world’s highest profile horse racing personalities is turning his back on South Africa, and of course Markus Jooste’s name is involved.
There’s Something Fishy About Steinhoff Buying An Entire Mouille Point Apartment Block [Images]

Walking along the Atlantic Seaboard promenade, all the way to the bottom of Mouille Point, you might have noticed a new building on the block. Guess who owns it.
“Shock And Disbelief” – Steinhoff’s Sneaky Dutch Move Just Before Collapse

If you’ve ever wondered why Steinhoff registered in the Netherlands, here’s your answer. Turns out Christo Wiese gave himself a big pat on the back.
Steinhoff Scandal Takes Down Its First Hedge Fund

After Steinhoff’s shares came crashing down in December, it was only a matter of time before more dominoes tumbled.
#SteinhoffLeaks Show Markus Jooste Has Been Cooking The Books Since 2014

In a series of email exchanges between three of Steinhoff’s top dogs, an investigation has revealed just how far back Markus Jooste’s dirty deeds extend.
Christo Wiese Finally Has Some Good News To Celebrate

Your Steinhoff shares might have caused a little dent in your investment portfolio, but that’s a drop in the ocean compared to Christo Wiese. He’s smiling this week, though.
What Is Markus Jooste’s Old School Going To Do With The 10 Bar He Gave Them?

Back when Markus was flush with cash, and his name didn’t immediately bring to mind scandal, he was very generous to his former school. This has put them in a tricky position.
Viceroy Research Has Targeted Seven Companies – Here’s How They Fared Afterwards

Viceroy Research, the New York-based short seller that has made a massive name for itself here in SA, tend to pack a punch. Here’s how the seven companies they’ve targeted are faring.
Monday Morning Spice

Dutch serve Steinhoff summons. Zuma’s Sunday meeting. Trump chilled over memo. CemAir suspended. Lana Del Rey kidnap attempt. Facebook turns 14. Apple to overtake Spotify. 10 famous artist homes. Lost Mayan city discovered. Kylie’s baby girl.
Is Capitec The Next Steinhoff?

You really don’t want Viceroy Research coming after you, and when they get you in their crosshairs you’re in for a hell of a ride. Capitec are feeling the heat.
There’s An Interesting Steinhoff Conspiracy Theory Doing The Rounds

Steinhoff is currently one of the world’s biggest punching bags, its name being consistently dragged through the mud. Here’s an interesting take.
Thursday Morning Spice

US banks take $1 billion Steinhoff hit. Porn star details Trump sex. Wolff book to become series. Apple moving $250 billion cash. What happens when you abstain from news. Murdoch in hospital. Selma Blair’s shock Toback story. Director offers $100k for Trump to weigh himself.
Markus Jooste’s Exclusive Val De Vie Plot Is Up For Sale

His world has come crashing down in a spectacular ball of flames, and now Markus Jooste is getting rid of his assets. The latest is his plot in Paarl’s exclusive Val de Vie estate.
Steinhoff Whistleblower Might Be Lining Up Another Local Company

Having released a damning exposé of the mess over at Steinhoff, Viceroy Research may have turned their attention towards a local property company. Alarm bells are ringing.
Markus Jooste Stuck An Expensive Knife In Christo Wiese’s Back

Markus Jooste and Christo Wiese have been friends and business partners for years, but papers recently filed in court show that those bridges have definitely been burnt.
Steinhoff Has A Serious Funding Gap To Fill

It would be fair to say that Steinhoff has had better months, and as investigations into irregularities continue they face an uphill battle.
Friday Morning Spice

Wiese resigns. Net neutrality scrapped. Trump advisor to spill beans. Murdoch made $581m in a day. Facebook pre-roll video ads are coming. Noel teases reunion. Gigi Hadid slays. Globes stars to wear black. Airplane draws Christmas tree.