Spain’s King Juan Carlos Apologises For African Hunting Trip
Spain’s King Juan Carlos finally issued an apology this morning for the hunting trip he took to Africa recently where he shot live game on a private reserve in Botswana, including elephants. The scandal might never have come to light if he hadn’t had an accident during the trip and had to be taken back to Spain for emergency hip surgery.
Spanish Royal Shoots Himself
Felipe Juan Froilan, the 13-year-old grandson of the king of Spain, has learnt at a young age what it feels like to shoot yourself in the foot. (A learning which, considering he’s fifth in line to the Spanish throne, may serve him well later in his life as a state figurehead.)
Smurf Town In Spain Votes To Stay Blue
A small city in southern Spain, Juzcar, was used as the film location for the The Smurfs film, and painted blue to fit the theme. Once shooting had wrapped up, Sony Pictures offered to repaint the place – except residents voted yesterday to keep the place Smurf-coloured.
Spain’s New Presidency Poses Threat To Gay Marriage
The landslide victory of the opposition conservative Popular Party in Spain is widely viewed as a threat to same-sex marriage in that country. But the gays won’t go down without a fight. Or without a make-out session, for that matter. Watch as a live Al Jazeera news report on the election gets photobombed by two guys furiously sucking face.
Duchess Of Alba Topless Ibiza Beach Photo Surfaces On Eve Of Wedding
You may recall a previous article on the three-times widowed, fantastically wealthy Duchess of Alba’s proposed remarriage to Alfonso Diez, a man 24 years her junior. I’m pretty sure the last thing anyone (especially her) wanted popping up was a topless photo of that 85-year-old struck match, on the cover of a magazine. Lawsuit, here we come. [No pics. Naughty.]
Catalonia’s Last Bullfight [PICS]
On Sunday, 20 000 bullfighting fans packed Barcelona’s La Monumental bullring to watch the last corrida that Catalonia will hold; the event was headlined by Spain’s premier matador, José Tomás. The regional ban on bullfighting, which was approved at the end of last year, goes into effect in January.
About Those Guys Who Think They Found Atlantis
A team of researchers led by professor Richard Freund of the University of Hartford claim to have found Atlantis in Doñana, north of Cadiz, Spain. What makes this hack discovery different is the multi-ringed layout of the site, which fits the account offered by Plato, apparently.
Death By GPS
Technology has claimed its second victim in as many weeks. Not long after the Segway Company owner plummeted to his not-so poetic death (he was attached to a Segway at the time), a Spanish man has perished after plunging his Peugeot into a reservoir, at the instruction of his GPS. Maybe he had the Yoda voice activated?