A soldier who went missing in Afghanistan 33 years ago has been found living with Afghans in the Western Province of Herat. The soldier has adopted an Afghan name, Sheikh Abdullah and now practices herbal medicine. Abdullah, originally known as Bakhretdin Khakimov, is an ethnic Uzbek who was found by ex-Soviet veterans of war on a recent trip […]
French photographer Thomas Jorion specialises in capturing urban ruins and condemned buildings. His latest picture set tells the sad story of the Izu Peninsula – an abandoned holiday resort in Japan. It is one of many such resorts abandoned 40 years ago and left to the mercy of the elements.
Apart from being a musician, journalist, and “confirmed bohemian”, Darmon Richter is also pretty good at urban exploring. He regularly visits abandoned or derelict buildings, and captures footage of their insides for his blog, The Bohemian Blog.
Russian Prime Minister and, let’s face it, soon-to-be-President-again, Vladimir Putin has made calls for a “Eurasian Union” as part of his presidential campaign platform. A Eurasian Union made of entirely of former Soviet Union states. Because it worked so well the last time that happened.