Pimps and prostitutes alike, from Seoul’s red-light district, are furious with the police. So much so that they’ve now started stocking their brothels with flammable liquid and gas containers. They say they are willing to set themselves on fire if things don’t change. This is in response to “increased patrols, police cars parking visibly in the area and plainclothes officers watching them with binoculars.”
Kim Jong Il, the bluebird on the arc of the rainbow, the morning stag – Our Dear Leader – has offered the simpering worms, South Korea, an olive branch of peace. Will South Korea take that branch, or will they perish in a Sea Of Flame?
The Asian rumour mill has been grinding away on the same grist for some time now – Our Dear Leader is on his way out, health-wise. Reports have surfaced in recent months of Kim Jong Il’s chronic kidney failure, and general lapse into a malaise of poor health. In short, he’ll soon be re-joining the rainbow from which he was born. And he’s going out with a bang, ask South Korea.