Even The Irish Are Drinking Less Alcohol

People becoming more health conscious is just one theory shared on the streets of Carlingford for why consumption has been dropping lately.
Experts Say Dry January Benefits May Last Well Into The Year

Clear skin, better sleep, and no headaches await.
Having A Spliff Could Help You Quit Drinking – (Not) Surprising Data From Dry January Surveys

A recent Dry January poll has shown that 90% of so-called ‘Gen-Z respondents’ were turning to alternative ways to get their kicks.
A Few Tips For Those Giving Sober October A Bash

If you plan on giving booze a miss this month, there’s no harm in hearing a few helpful suggestions to guide you through the process.
The Growing Number Of Youngsters Not Boozing

The global (and mostly Western) Gen Z generation is feeling the challenges of this modern life, and for that reason, they’ve mostly decided to do things sober.
A Heads Up For Those Looking To Cut Down On Drinking This Festive Season

The festive season is rapidly approaching, which usually means the social calendar starts filling up and your liver takes a pounding.
More And More People Are ‘Sober-Curious’

Not drinking has become one of 2019’s biggest trends, as more and more people consider teetotalling their way through adult life.