Inflammation can be a killer. But that’s only if it is not managed properly.
While some of us are body positive enough to celebrate our dimples – kudos! – many more of us would really rather be dimple-free.
If you’ve got yourself a decent ‘morning and night’ skincare regime and aren’t a stranger to a chemical peel once in a while you’ve probably heard the term ‘Skin Barrier’.
If you’re struggling with scarring, acne scarring, or deep wrinkles, then you’re in the right place.
As the birthday candles add up, you may feel like it’s time to get ahead of your ageing skin before you start playing catch-up.
If you find yourself thinking, “If only there was a simple formula I could follow” then Skin Cycling is the answer you’ve been looking for.
Packing all the skincare essentials to ensure you remain looking and feeling fresh as a daisy as you enter yet another new year is commendable and totally respectable.
We’ve found some great festive deals for you this year, which will allow you to stock up on your skincare favourites and spoil the ones you love.
A third chemical exfoliator is creating quite a stir in the skincare scene due to its effectiveness with sensitive skin.
Just like how you pack away your cold-weather clothes and haul out the summer goods, you should also give your skincare regime a seasonal update.
Knowing which acids are in your products and peels will help you build a skincare routine that delivers the results you’re after.
For too long, an unheralded vitamin has been the sidekick to other antioxidant superheroes, the supporting act next to the lead, the nice-to-have among the skincare must-haves.
While prevention is always better than cure, the new generation of SPFs do more than simply protect your skin in the present.
Free radicals – present in air pollutants, chemicals, and cigarette smoke – latch onto your skin’s precious collagen. Fighting back is easier than ever.
Putting the ‘beauty’ in your beauty sleep is not quite as simple as hitting the hay and getting enough shut-eye for the night.
Sunlight is not the only visible light that can speed up your skin’s ageing process and damage it at a cellular level.
If you want to target the underlying causes of proactive facial ageing and not just reactively address the symptoms, there are some factors you should consider.
Your skin has its very own microbiome, and being home to trillions of microorganisms is vital to your skin’s health.
New year, new you, right? We shed our entire outer layer of skin every two to four weeks, so technically, from the perspective of our skin, we get to renew our outer selves more often than just once a year.
If you are doing a good old staycation and heading to the beach, bush, or berg, you’ll need to think about what daily skincare saviours to take with you.
We’re all going to have to deal with collagen loss and the issues that cause it at some point in life.
If you’re on a quest for your best skin, a well thought out skincare plan is something you should look into as soon as possible.
Getting rid of cellulite is a multi-faceted task, which requires a multi-layered solution. It also requires some popular myths to be busted.
When it comes to at-home skincare, there are countless products and devices to choose from. Experts recommend taking a closer look at a few, in particular.
Exposing your skin to the sun also means exposing your skin to advanced ageing and sun damage. Here’s what you can do to prevent long-term damage.
If you were one of many who sat in the sun just a little too long this summer, you should probably consider taking a closer look at the effects on your skin.
The time to start looking to the future and focusing on the well-being of your skin is now. According to experts, there are four pillars we should all address.
Ever wondered why French women have the most divine skin, and seemingly age slower than the rest of us? According to research, here’s why.
As a woman, you’re probably reasonably responsible when it comes to maintaining overall health and general well-being. One routine that goes a long way toward maintaining a healthy status quo is moisturisation, which men are desperately slow to realise. But while you’re waiting for them to catch up, you should know that you have three […]