Oh Dear, Derek Watts’ Health Has Taken Another Bashing
Now it has been made official that the veteran ‘Carte Blanche’ reporter will be stepping back from his work to focus on his health.
Wednesday Morning Spice
Trump is finally arrested, Hugh Jackman has skin cancer scare, Eskom forecasts load shedding every single week for the next year, and Finland officially joins NATO
Keep Using Sunbeds And Maybe You Will Look Like This One Day
Winter is well on its way and that means we’re all going to lose our glowing skin and resemble Casper soon. Here’s your warning: Don’t be tempted by the sun bed.
Obsessed With Tanning? This Is Why You’re A Fool
Us Capetonians love spending entire weekends on the beach, and we just hope that you are using a good sunblock because you absolutely don’t want this to happen to you.