Video Shows California Cop Punching Suspected Shoplifter After She Crashed Into Other Cars

Someone started filming a car chase turned car crash that occurred on a busy highway in California recently, when suddenly the cop shoved the driver down on the road and punched her.
Watch This Trio Of Female Shoplifters Caught Red Handed Outside Mall In California [Video]

“Damn look at these people stealing! Say hi to the camera!” the bystander filming the incident can be heard saying, as alarms blared in the background.
Mother Shoplifting At Mall Returned To Kids In Parked Car Engulfed In Flames [Video]

A mother had parked her car in a Dillard’s parking lot at Oviedo Mall on the fateful Friday, leaving her two children inside, while she dilly-dallied in the mall, allegedly shoplifting with a fellow thief.
Why It’s Not A Good Idea To Shoplift When A Former Springbok Captain Is Nearby [Video]

Poor shoplifter had nothing on Jean de Villiers who chased him down at Paarl mall, plakkies and all.
These Durban Shoplifters Need To Work On Their Technique [Video]

A Durban couple caught on CCTV footage stealing from service station shops should consider tweaking their modus operandi.