‘New Material’ is the long-awaited sequel to ‘Material’, a local comedy drama gem that established Riaad Moosa as a doctor, comedian and actor. Loosely based on his life story, biographical elements filter into the plot as the son of a material shop owner in Fordsburg tries to keep his secret life’s ambition to be a stand up comedian from his father, who expects him to take over the family business.
‘Kaalgat Karel’ is the kind of edgy yet divisive movie title that will already give you an inkling if this film’s for you or not.
While South Africa’s complicated history of Apartheid diffuses the pop culture of the ’80s, this is where we find ‘Kanarie’, a film about an army conscript searching for his true identity.
Laugh It Off t-shirt satirist Justin Nurse is taking to the stage with his new play White Guilt, which will be hitting Cape Town next week.