Trying to save money can be a daunting prospect. The hardest part is actually getting the ball rolling because once you see your savings start stacking up it can become a little addictive.
One of the things that can make financial planning daunting is realising that there’s so much more to take into account than just saving.
#Januworry and #JanuworrySurvivalKit have been trending on Twitter, with some pretty funny memes about surviving what can be the most difficult month of the year.
Kristy Shen and Bryce Leung want you to join the ‘Millennial Revolution’, which is centred around a different approach to working and saving money.
There comes a time when your young ones will have to flee the nest and make sense of this world on their own. Some financial know-how might help.
The turmoil in the Middle East has done damage to the fragile oil price, and last week saw a more than 10 percent increase in the price per barrel. As a result we have seen petrol prices increase this month, and March will be no different. The Spanish are being productive about things though, we could learn from them.