Viral Prince Harry Military Meme Is So Epic [Video]

Back in the day, an interview with Harry in Afghanistan proved the perfect material for what would turn into a monumental meme.
Apparently Prince George Knows What He Wants To Be When He Grows Up

He might only be a wee four-year-old, but the young prince already has his future job in mind. No, it’s not waving at the common folk.
Norway’s 11-Year-Old Prince Just ‘Dabbed’ On The Palace Balcony During A Posh Ceremony [Video]

Everyone’s doing it, from our national cricketers through to the royals over in Norway. It’s the dab, and there’s nothing we can do to stop its rise to the top.
It Seems The Prince Of Norway Is Quite A Prankster – Here’s What He Did During A Recent Lavish Banquet

When you’re born with a silver spoon in your mouth it’s probably easy to become a pompous royal, but Prince Haakon seems to have a few tricks up his sleeve.
Whoah – What Have We Here? Please Enjoy Thailand’s Future Crop-Top Wearing King

The future king of Thailand might have an interesting fashion sense, but that seems to be the least of his country’s worries. Then there’s his poodle and that story.
Want A Job? Buckingham Palace Is Looking For A Housekeeper – This Is What The Package Includes

Unless you’re planning on marrying a royal, you’re probably not setting foot in Buckingham Palace. What if you started working there though?
Prince George Went To School And His Mom Took These Pics

The first day of school can be an unnerving day, although this little Prince seemed to take it all in his stride without much hassle.
Someone Snuck The Word ‘Sex’ Onto This Banknote And No One Noticed

Considering that there are pretty strict laws on who can (legally) print money this story comes as something of a surprise. These crafty weasels managed to slip this one though.
Russell Brand Gets Slaughtered Following Mocking Of The Queen

I guess you have to be British to really appreciate the Royal Family. Harry’s fun, William married well but the old bat running the show just doesn’t do it for me. Or for Russell Brand apparently.
This Is How The Queen Nailed Lewis Hamilton For Poor Table Manners

When you’re dining with royalty, you’d want to make sure you’re on your best behaviour. Lewis Hamilton got a telling off for failing to adhere to one important rule.
The Moment The Queen Openly Mocked Germany’s President’s Gift To Her [Video]

Who knew the Queen was capable of such quality banter? Here she is having a laugh at the expense of the German president.
This Is What Happens If You Stand In The Way Of The Queen’s Guards [Video]

We know that when guarding Buckingham Palace the Queen’s Guards aren’t allowed as much as a smile – so what happens when you get in their way and they’re on the move?
Watch The Moment A Soldier Smacks A Little Girl In The Face [Video]

A six-year-old girl got far more up close and personal with a British regimental sergeant major than she may have bargained for after meeting the Queen in Wales.
This Is What Happens If The Queen Dies Tomorrow

Even the most hardened of Royal Family fans have to ready themselves for the day that Queen Elizabeth passes away. What plans are in place following her death?
The Queen’s Response After Arsenal Fans Ask Her For Tickets

Desperate times call for desperate measures, so when one Arsenal fan wanted tickets for the FA Cup he resorted to some rather unusual means
Here Is The Royal Response To The Black Spider Letters

The British Royal Family have been under the cosh ever since the ‘black spider’ letters came to light, Here’s their response so some stinging criticism.
Wednesday Morning Spice

King Richard III discovery changes everything. Russia warns of recession. ANC walkout of Cape Legislature. Convicted rapist escapes from court. Rolling Stone saxophonist dies. Hilux dethroned.
Prince Charles Records Message Confirming Christians Are the Most Persecuted Religious Minority In The world [Video]

Prince Charles insists faith leaders must not remain ‘silent’ over suffering of minorities in a new report to the public.
If You Care: Here’s Pippa Middleton In A Bikini
Pippa Middleton has decided to take some time off from schmoozing with her Royal family-in-law and soaked up the sun in Italy.
Wednesday Morning Spice

Spain mistake king for drug smuggler. ISIS want ransom for American woman. Police had license to kill at Marikana. General Motors is in huge shit. Obama seeks justice. CT airport drug bust. Miley’s date is a wanted man.
Here’s A Photo Gallery Of Prince Harry’s New Babe – Camilla Thurlow

Prince Harry seems to have moved on from Cressida Bonas and is getting close with a new lady in his life – Camilla Thurlow.
Prince George Quietly Nails Vanity Fair Cover [Image]

At just shy of a year old, Prince George has already gotten his very own Vanity Fair cover, alongside his mom and dad, but who are they really?
The Queen’s New Wheels Will Blow Your Mind [Gallery]

The Queen’s new stage coach for the Diamond Jubilee is likely more insane than you may even imagine, tricked out with diamonds, jewels and even historical items, which should actually be kept safe, when you think about it.
Prince Charles vs. Putin – We Can’t Wait For June 6

You may have picked up that Prince Charles recently likened Vladimir Putin to Hitler. Well Putin has now publicly responded. But that’s just the beginning. June 6 will make things even more exciting.
Controversial Prince Harry Look alike Stars In US Reality Show ‘I Wanna Marry Harry’ [Video]

Turns out he looks enough like the Prince to warrant him being the decoy for a brilliant new reality show entitled, ‘I Wanna Marry Harry’
All The Latest Pics From Will And Kate’s Tour Down Under [GALLERY]

Will and Kate seem to be having a great time on their three-week royal tour of Australia and New Zealand. Here are some of the latest pics of the couple down under.
WATCH: Kate Middleton Playing Volleyball In Heels [VIDEO]

She may be the future queen of England, but she has a weak volleyball game. Often regarded as the most violent of all sports, volleyball is not something to attempt wearing heels… Or is that ice hockey?
Can Downton Abbey Save The Queen’s Finances?

Having £1 million in the bank may be a dream for most, but when you’re the Queen of England that means you’re scraping the bottom of the barrel and eating moldy biscuits. But help is on the way, from the most unlikely of places. Can taking advice from Downton Abbey solve One’s dreary financial state?
Breaking: Harry Is Keeping His Beard

Big news everyone! Prince Harry has decided to keep his big, ginger beard right were it belongs.
They Used Lookalikes To Create This Outrageous Royal Christmas Scene [GALLERY]

Ah – how desperately lovely it must been to be there for Prince George’s first Christmas.