Thursday, March 20, 2025

Would Cape Town’s REAL Restaurateurs Please Stand Up?

There’s no doubt the saying is true – Cape Town really is a village. And with any village, comes a handful of owner-managed restaurants, which the locals support through thick and thin. There aren’t many of these in Cape Town

Cape Town’s Most Famous Burger Special Just Launched

Winter is generally not well received by the average summery capetownian. Hibernation, duvets, cheap red wine (because no-one else is there to impress with the expensive stuff) and isolation are usually the order of winter but this tempting little offer may just be enough to coax you into your favourite party clothes, bring out the good red and brave the cold.

Forget The Restaurant – The Best Place To Eat Is At The Chef’s Table

Executive Chef Rudi Liebenberg is inviting you into his kitchen. Guests can now come to the Mount Nelson and literally take part in the kitchen’s ambiance. This custom designed and interactive culinary experience gives guests the opportunity to enjoy their meal in the heart of the hotel’s flamboyant kitchen. Now you can enjoy your lunch at an intimate table just inches away from the acclaimed […]

Wine Lists – That Hoary ‘Ol Chestnut

Fear not, I will not be ranting here. I will not spend 1000 words frothing at the keyboard about the abysmal, facile, corporate, lackluster, insulting, sell-out winelists that do not deserve the bad laminating they have.

Eat Out Magazine Reveals SA’s Top 10 Restaurants For 2012

The Eat Out DStv Food Network Restaurant Awards took place in the grand ballroom at the Westin in Cape Town last night. Apart from the prestigious Restaurant of the Year award, several other accolades were also dished out, including Chef of the Year, Best Steakhouse, and the Service Excellence Award.

Half Man, Half Seal [VIDEO]

This may well be the greatest video ever taken in the Western Cape. Behold the naked half-man-half-seal making his way across the rocks outside Polana restaurant in Kalk Bay, into the water. This fellow might possibly have been doing a little boozin’ that day. Anyone know who he is?

An Idea Worth Tabling

With all the talk of events in London over the past week, I couldn’t help but feel slightly nostalgic for my halcyon days in the UK. Weekends in Europe, snakebites, wild nights at the Met Bar, Pimms, Linen suits, boat races – my, they were good days. Not the weather, mind, but the first world nature of it all.