The £77 Billion Canal To Rival Suez Canal And Connect The Red And Mediterranean Seas

The tentatively named Ben-Gurion Canal will traverse the Negev Desert and the south end of the Gulf of Aqaba and connect the Red Sea to the Mediterranean.
Wednesday Morning Spice

Siblings claim late dad is mysterious plane hijacker DB Cooper, Marilyn Manson drops defamation suit against Evan Rachel Wood, Trouble for couriers and delivery drivers in South Africa, and Conor McGregor’s family ties to the Kinahan cartel.
The Red Sea’s Houthi Rebels Are Now Threatening Ships Around The Cape Of Good Hope

“The Yemeni armed forces warn all Israeli ships heading to or coming from the ports of occupied Palestine not to pass through the Cape of Good Hope, or they will be a legitimate target for our armed forces.”
Not Again! Another Massive Petrol Price Hike Confirmed For Wednesday

It’s time to dust off your bicycle as yet another petrol price increase is set to drive another nail into our financial coffins.
Can You Smell That Smell In Cape Town Today?

Capetonians woke up to a very suspicious ‘farm-like’ smell this morning.
Who Are The Houthis, And Why Are They Firing Rockets At Ships In The Red Sea?

Houthis and their issues have been part of the “axis of resistance” since the early 1990s, and they are now part of the fight against Israel, and anyone else who crosses their path.
The Reason You’re Seeing More Ships On Cape Town’s Coast And Docking At Our Ports

If you’ve walked along Sea Point’s promenade in the last while and noticed an atypical amount of cargo ships milling about, you can probably blame the attacks on ships out in the Red Sea.
The Dead Sea Is Drying Up And This Is How They Plan To Fill It Up Again

The River Jordan is being dried up for use in irrigation, which has led the Dead Sea’s water levels to drop by about a metre every 12 months. The middle-eastern nations have reacted quickly, and signed an agreement that might just bring the Dead Sea back.