Thursday Morning Spice

Recession warning for South Africa, Leonardo DiCaprio set to play legendary crooner Frank Sinatra, Renting vs buying property, and A blood test that detects cancer.
Yes, It’s Time To Get Ready For A Global Recession

The warning bells and seatbelt lights are flashing regarding the global economy as the odds of a severe recession keep climbing.
Why They Reckon A Global Recession Is Coming

The last global recession in 2009, dubbed The Great Recession, began when the American housing market went from boom to bust.
SA’s Latest GDP Numbers Are Ugly

Even though you know full well the numbers are going to be dire, they still sting. Let’s take a closer look at what it all means.
Bloomberg Reckons SA Is On The Edge Of Disaster

If you were hoping for a day of overwhelming positivity, sorry, but we’re not off to a great start.
2020 Is Going To Be A Rough Year For Landlords

2020 is going to be a rough, rough year for everybody, and landlords may be looking at a situation where tenants are unable to pay them in full.
Sorry, But We’re Officially In A Recession Again

Statistics South Africa released the latest Gross Domestic Product (GDP) numbers today, and they’re not at all pretty.
Why South African Stocks Are Experiencing The Worst August Since 1998

Experts agree that the poor state of the JSE can be traced back to China and America’s trade war, with August looking like a particularly bad month.
Thursday Morning Spice

SA will likely dodge recession. More Prince Andrew. Queen approves Bojo plan. Sacha Baron Cohen like never before.
Four Pro Tips On Investing During A Recession

South Africa is in its first technical recession in nine years. That might scare some, but a shrewd investor could see a window of opportunity.
The Rand Tanking Will Affect You In These Four Ways

South Africa is officially in a recession, and that has seen the rand take a battering over the past few days. If you think that won’t affect you, you’re wrong.
It’s Official – We’re In A Recession

According to the latest figures released this morning by Stats SA, the country is in a recession. The rand has also taken a battering off the back of the news.
Wednesday Morning Spice

Recession is official. Zuma spy tapes latest. Zille responds. Paris attack. Eric Trump says Democrats aren’t people. SA’s expensive dog parties. Peacock trashes liquor store. Clooney twins. Jimmy and Justin bromance.
Even The Washington Post Is Talking About South Africa’s Plummeting Economy

South Africa is in the middle of an economic shit storm and the only people who can save us now are our own.
The BBC Reckons South Africa Is Heading For A Recession

The state of the South African economy is always a worry, and now we are waiting on our latest GDP figures amid rumours that we are heading into a recession.
Here Is Your New Marketing Buzzword – Introducing The “Manfluencer”

It must be said – the recession hit us all hard. We’re not as wealthy as we used to be, and won’t be as prosperous as we hoped we would. In particular, the 2008 recession hit men the hardest, and left more men out of work than women. What did this mean? This means that more men were taking on home-keeping tasks like shopping, cooking and cleaning.
Recession Hits Somalian Pirates: Kingpin Quits As Hijackings Dry Up

It’s tough for everybody at the moment. It’s harder to get a home loan, increase your credit limit, or to hijack a supertanker. That’s the word from Somali pirate Mohamed Abdi Hassan — also known as “Afweyne,” or “Big Mouth” – who is quitting the game.
Mininum Wage Increase In China: Everything Is Going To Get More Expensive Next Year.
Effective January 1, 2012, the minimum wage is going to increase by as much as 20% in Guangdong, the industrial province in China where most of the stuff you’ve bought in the past decade was produced. Which means you’ve got yourself a significant rise in consumer good prices worldwide incoming.
Goldman Sachs Getting Rid Of Potted Plants To Lower Overheads
This makes total sense. Apparently the upkeep of plants in Goldman Sachs’ London offices are costing the bank tens of thousands of pounds per annum, which is why the head offices have ordered many of the plants to be removed. It’s nice to see that these guys can make the big sacrifices when they have to.
Economic Heat – Jardine Chef Gets Out Of The Kitchen
The phrase goes, “If you can’t handle the heat, get the hell out of the kitchen”. In economic terms, the past two years have been pretty chilly, which has in turn left more than a few businesses owners feeling a little hot under the collar. Controversial Cape Town restaurant, Jardine, is the latest to fall foul of the global recession, and the head chef has made for greener pastures.