Frankly Stunning Gumtree Ad: The Lesbian Chaperone

Are you a lesbian? Do you often turn down social engagements because you lack a readily available chaperone? This is the service provider YOU have been looking for.
This Generic Brand Video Is Absolute Gold [VIDEO]

Inspired by Tim McSweeney’s hilarious script for a generic brand video, the chaps over at Dissolve whipped together this generic brand video. It’s wonderful, and excellent. It promotes synergy between your brain, and your eyes. It augments the – you know what, just watch the frigging video.
Canada Spites Russia With Thoroughly Gay Olympic Ad [VIDEO]

Much has been made of Russia’s homophobic policies in the lead up to the 2014 Olympics.The Canadian Institute of Diversity and Inclusion have therefore taken it upon themselves to piss the Russians off with the stunning combination of lycra body suits, synchronised thrusting, Human League, and an Olympic sport.
Radvertising: This New Axe Ad Is Not What You Expect [VIDEO]

We all know the drill when it comes to Axe adverts. One geeky guy, one can of Axe deodorant, and about a hundred scantily clad women with a hunger for geeky men.
The New Old Spice Ad Is As Good As You’d Hoped It Would Be [VIDEO]

Hello readers. Look at your colleague. Now back to the screen. Now back at your colleague. Now back to the screen. Sadly, your colleague isn’t your screen.
Radvertising: Nando’s Punishes Sanral With Genius Ad #etolls [PIC]

Nandos have nailed it, once again by channeling the age old philosophy that you ought to at least buy someone dinner before you screw them. This ad was in most of Johannesburg’s daily papers this morning. [Pic : Twitter]
The Local Spoof Of The Jean-Claude Van Damme Truck Ad Is The Best Spoof [VIDEO]

Since Volvo released a frankly remarkable piece of radvertising featuring Jean Claude Van Damme splitting between two moving trucks, a lot of spoofs have surfaced. Even Channing Tatum published a spoof. Sadly for Channing, he isn’t nearly as funny or original as Derek Watts and the Sunday Blues.
Radvertising: This Kreepy Krauly Ad Will Make Your Day [VIDEO]

The Kreepy Krauly was pioneered in South Africa wellover 50 years ago. It’s moved on from an aquatic gimmick to South African staple – if you have a pool in this country, it’s likely that you have a Kreepy.
WATCH: The First Two Ads For Samsung’s New Smart Watch [VIDEO]

Samsung have dropped two very clever ads for their recently-released Galaxy Gear smartwatch. While the watch itself has disappointed pundits with its limited battery life, and the fact that it can only work in conjunction with the Galaxy Note, Samsung may have regained some ground in the field of public perception with these two great TV spots for the product.
Radvertising: Watch Amstel’s Excellent ‘The Chef’ Ad With Augmented Reality [VIDEO]

To celebrate the success of their new TV ad, “The Chef”, Amstel Lager is giving consumers a chance to enjoy it like never before. Turning the logo on the Amstel bottle into an augmented reality reader, consumers can now enjoy the ad and their favourite beer at the same time – creating a whole new viewing experience.
Radvertising: Here’s A Mobile Network Ad That Will Make You Cry [VIDEO]

True is a mobile phone network in Thailand. Their three minute (yep, the ad is that long) is melting people’s faces across the globe for its powerful narrative, following a man who is ultimately rewarded for a lifetime of good deeds.
Check Out This Hilarious Commercial Starring Rafa Nadal [VIDEO]

Spanish tennis player, Rafael Nadal won his second US Open title on Monday night, and secured his 13th Grand Slam title. On Tuesday morning this piece of advertising gold hit the airwaves.
Radvertising: Local Man Puts His Half Of The Bed On Gumtree After Wife Cheats On Him [PIC]

This guy isn’t selling a bed, only his side of a bed. The other side still belongs to his “brand new ex-wife”. The ad states that the owner of the other side (the ex-wife) doesn’t mind sharing the bed with complete strangers, but there are other people out there who may be able to claim squatter’s rights on his side, as they spent more time there than he did.
Radvertising: MINI Develops Car That Plays Videos On Its Body [VIDEOS]

Introducing ‘MINI Art Beat’ as part of MINI’s ‘Not Normal’ campaign. With over 40,000 LED lights attached to the body of the car, the Countryman has become the car that plays videos.
Radvertising: Enjoy This Round Up Of Korea’s Wonderfully Weird TV Ads [VIDEO]

Ah Korea. This is a compilation of Korean TV commercials from the late 1990s and early 2000s. They may be dated, but they are gold. The ads range from wildly inappropriate exercise equipment demonstrations to energetic dance moves from curly haired mothers, and you need to watch them this Friday afternoon.
Radvertising: SodaStream Rises From The Ashes Of Your Childhood To Take On Big Soda

We’re excited about this one purely because we’d forgotten that SodaStream exists, having drifted so very far from our childhoods. You remember SodaStream. It was what your mate’s mom gave you to drink with your hotdogs after a 45 minute stretch of bombing into the swimming pool off of the trampoline which had been dragged […]
Radvertising: This Goldberg Machine Involving Carts Of Puppies Is The Cutest Thing You’ll Watch Today [VIDEO]

Cuuuuute! For those of you who don’t know what a Goldberg Machine is, you have obviously never had the luxury of playing the classic board game, Mouse Trap. A Goldberg Machine is in fact a kind of contraption that deliberately performs a simple task, in a complex and over-the-top manner. Purina’s Beneful, a dog food and snacks […]
Radvertising: Coke Makes Bottles Out Of Ice [VIDEO]

There is nothing better than an ice-cold Coke and the Coca-Cola Co in Cartagena Columbia, along with Ogilvy & Mather Columbia, decided to use some fun to get this icy point across. Click through to check out the awesome video.
Radvertising: Awesome Interactive Skittles Ad Lets Viewers Smash Granny’s Figurines [VIDEO]

Those colourful balls of fun that people sometimes confuse with M&M’s or Rascals now have a new quirky and innovative campaign. Skittles, along with advertising agency DDB, have created a way to make the “sugary goodness” sweet into an interactive form of advertising.
WATCH: David Hasselhoff’s ‘Thirsty For Love’ Iced Coffee Ad Is The Best Thing You’ll See Today [VIDEO]

David Hasselhoff is still alive! The Kight Rider is back with this sensational number, “Thirsty for Love” for Cumberland Farms Iced Coffee. We cannot overstate how excellent this is for starting your day.
Radvertising: Magician Levitates Next To A Bus For Pepsi [VIDEO]

British magician Dynamo and PepsiMax have teamed up to provide this stunt in London. The magician was seen levitating next to a double-decker bus.
Radvertising: A Poignant Reminder Of Why Facebook Likes Don’t Do A Thing To Change The World [PICS]

A initiative for Crisis Relief Singapore has released images that cut to the core. The campaign is in aid of spreading the message that just ‘liking’ a photo you see on Facebook is not enough to help make a significant change. Publicis Singapore ad agency came up with the copy that “Liking isn’t helping”. Along […]
The New Nandos “I’m On A Horse” Television Ad Is Genius [VIDEO]

Here’s something to get your long weekend started: Nando’s take on the Old Spice “I’m on a horse” ad. It just started airing, and we rather like it.
Enjoy KMART’s Highly Controversial Sequel To “Ship My Pants”: Introducing “Knickers” [VIDEO]

After the golden “Ship My Pants” campaign that graced the internet and gleaned over 18 million views, KMART has produced another viral masterpiece. That’s not to say that they’re not walking very close to the naughty line.
Radvertising: Pregnancy Belt Jolts Men In The Stomach Everytime Their Baby Kicks [VIDEO]

Now pregnancy is something that the man in the relationship can experience too. Well, to an extent. For four months, Huggies used intricate processes to design a pregnancy belt for Dad. They have come up with this simulation that becomes possible when mother and father are wearing specially designed belts. Fathers can now feel their baby kick and move […]
Radvertising: Nivea’s “Man Of The Match” Campaign Moisturises Men’s Faces, Tells Them They’re Manly For It [VIDEO]

To show that Nivea is the best source for male grooming, as well as highlighting their relationship with English and Dutch Eredivisie football teams, the grooming experts came up with an awesome idea. Click through to find out.
Radvertising – This Is The Most Brutal Anti-Drunk-Driving Campaign You’ve Ever Seen [VIDEO]

London’s Department of Transport and ad agency Lep Burnett London, came up with an exceptional method of literally shocking young men into never drinking and driving again. It’s called #PubLooShocker. Click through to check out the video.
Radvertising: Get Free WiFi By Playing Scrabble [VIDEO]

Ogilvy Paris has come up with this amazing way to get everyone to start playing the acclaimed word game, Scrabble, via their mobile phone. The campaign hosts the game that was created in 1931 in a new and contemporary light. WiFi hotspots were placed around Paris in places that you can’t get any connection. In order to […]
Radvertising: Genius Bathroom Airbag Prank Warns Against Applying Makeup While Driving [VIDEO]

In Mexico, an average of 22% of car accidents are caused by women putting on makeup while they drive. In order to prevent further cosmetic incidents, MINI came up with a funny yet satisfying solution.
Radvertising: Coca-Cola Makes Cans You Can Split In Half For Sharing [VIDEO]

In light of spreading their “Share Happiness” message, Coca-Cola has come up with another amazing campaign concept. Take a look at their latest “Sharing Can.”