Tuesday, March 11, 2025

This Generic Brand Video Is Absolute Gold [VIDEO]

Inspired by Tim McSweeney’s hilarious script for a generic brand video, the chaps over at Dissolve whipped together this generic brand video. It’s wonderful, and excellent. It promotes synergy between your brain, and your eyes. It augments the – you know what, just watch the frigging video.

Canada Spites Russia With Thoroughly Gay Olympic Ad [VIDEO]

Much has been made of Russia’s homophobic policies in the lead up to the 2014 Olympics.The Canadian Institute of Diversity and Inclusion have therefore taken it upon themselves to piss the Russians off with the stunning combination of lycra body suits, synchronised thrusting, Human League, and an Olympic sport.

WATCH: The First Two Ads For Samsung’s New Smart Watch [VIDEO]

Samsung have dropped two very clever ads for their recently-released Galaxy Gear smartwatch. While the watch itself has disappointed pundits with its limited battery life, and the fact that it can only work in conjunction with the Galaxy Note, Samsung may have regained some ground in the field of public perception with these two great TV spots for the product.

Radvertising: Local Man Puts His Half Of The Bed On Gumtree After Wife Cheats On Him [PIC]

This guy isn’t selling a bed, only his side of a bed. The other side still belongs to his “brand new ex-wife”. The ad states that the owner of the other side (the ex-wife) doesn’t mind sharing the bed with complete strangers, but there are other people out there who may be able to claim squatter’s rights on his side, as they spent more time there than he did.

Radvertising: SodaStream Rises From The Ashes Of Your Childhood To Take On Big Soda

We’re excited about this one purely because we’d forgotten that SodaStream exists, having drifted so very far from our childhoods. You remember SodaStream. It was what your mate’s mom gave you to drink with your hotdogs after a 45 minute stretch of bombing into the swimming pool off of the trampoline which had been dragged […]

Radvertising: Coke Makes Bottles Out Of Ice [VIDEO]

There is nothing better than an ice-cold Coke and the Coca-Cola Co in Cartagena Columbia, along with Ogilvy & Mather Columbia, decided to use some fun to get this icy point across. Click through to check out the awesome video.

Radvertising: Pregnancy Belt Jolts Men In The Stomach Everytime Their Baby Kicks [VIDEO]

Now pregnancy is something that the man in the relationship can experience too. Well, to an extent. For four months, Huggies used intricate processes to design a pregnancy belt for Dad. They have come up with this simulation that becomes possible when mother and father are wearing specially designed belts. Fathers can now feel their baby kick and move […]

Radvertising: Get Free WiFi By Playing Scrabble [VIDEO]

Ogilvy Paris has come up with this amazing way to get everyone to start playing the acclaimed word game, Scrabble, via their mobile phone. The campaign hosts the game that was created in 1931 in a new and contemporary light. WiFi hotspots were placed around Paris in places that you can’t get any connection. In order to […]