Video footage of a teacher and student at a Los Angeles high school getting into a vicious fist-fight has been widely shared over the weekend.
During a WBC light-heavyweight title battle on Saturday night, referee Ian John-Lewis ended up getting a little too close for comfort.
This story broke in July, but given the excellence of this portrait, it would be wrong of us not to bring to those of you who have missed it. A shanghai-based artist named Paul Akashi has painted a portrait of Nelson Mandela with 27,000 punches. Akashi printed the Chinese character for freedom on to a boxing glove, and punched it on to the canvass to paint the portrait.
Ilias Kasidiaris is a Greek politician and former special forces soldier. He is the Golden Dawn party’s spokesperson, as well as a passionate far-right Holocaust denier. See him take part in a live TV debate, during which he disagrees with, and ends up punching a female member of parliament several times in her face. He also throws water in the face of another MP.