Thabo Bester Begs For The Death Penalty As The Facebook Rapist’s Drama Continues In Court [Video]

Thabo was ridiculed for complaining about the treatment he has been subjected to, especially when showing up looking so snazzy.
The Four-Part ‘Tracking Thabo Bester’ Docuseries To Hit Showmax Soon [Trailer]

It seems like yonks ago that the convicted ‘Facebook rapist’ Thabo Bester was spotted shopping at Woolworths after everyone was told he had burned to death in his prison cell.
Escaped US Killer Danelo Cavalcante Is Violently Taken Down By Search Dog After Two Week Manhunt [Video]

Moments after the arrest was officially made, approximately two dozen police officers in tactical gear stood with Cavalcante, yelling in jubilation and posing for a selfie.
Dr Pashy Suspects That The Millions She Sank Into Oprah Scam Helped Fund Thabo Bester’s Prison Escape

New details are emerging of just how deep Thabo Bester’s scamming and swindling went, even while he was locked behind bars.
“Intelligent, Professional And Manipulative” – Forensic Profiler Speaks On Thabo Bester’s Character

The idea that the ‘Facebook rapist’ could be a psychopath wasn’t mentioned by the Forensic Profiler who interviewed him, but the diagnosis does not seem so far off.
Everything You Need To Know About Re-Arrest Of “Facebook Rapist” Thabo Bester And His Celeb Doctor ‘Wife’

When “Mzansi’s Bonnie & Clyde” were caught, they apparently had several passports containing multiple identities in their possession.
“Facebook Rapist” Thabo Bester Has Called Into Question SA’s Shoddy Justice System And How Inmates Actually Frequently Escape

While Thabo Bester’s escape seems isolated in its remarkable execution, there have actually been dozens of escapes reported over the years in South Africa.
Criminal Slips Out Of Police Van In Morning Traffic Jam [Video]

Some commuters were treated to a spicy disappearing act during a morning traffic jam, watching as a criminal escaped the clutches of the South African Police Service.
“Jailhouse Romance” Prison Escape Ends In Car Crash And Suicide

The elaborate escape came to an end when Vicky White died of a self-inflicted gunshot wound and Casey White was taken into custody.
Bizarre Prison Escape Plan Involving Guard And Inmate Grips America

A prison guard and a convict accused of murder, who share the same surname but are unrelated, are on the run.
What? After Decades In Prison, Mafia Hitman Escapes With Just A Year Left Before Release

Dominic Taddeo has been described as “one of the most vicious hitmen of the Rochester family,” as well as a man who may be difficult to find.
Latest From That Massive Malmesbury Prison Break [Videos]

On Friday, videos began circulating showing a large number of prisoners escaping from Malmesbury Prison. Thankfully, many didn’t make it too far.
Possibly The Worst Attempt At A Prison Escape We’ve Ever Seen [Video]

When visiting hours ended at a prison in Brazil, guards spotted a rather odd-looking young woman heading for the exit.
Chilled: Inmates Use Trash Cans To Break Out Of Prison [Video]

Watch as two inmates, Justin Stumler and Jeremy Hunt, escape from Louisville Metro Corrections by hiding in food waste trash cans.
SPOTTED: Remember That French Helicopter Prisoner? He’s Still On The Run And Things Are Getting Intense

It’s been three weeks since fugitive gangster Rédoine Faïd made his daring prison escape. Now he’s been spotted in Paris, but not without some explosive weaponry.
You Need To Read The Hijacked Helicopter Pilot’s Account Of That French Prison Break

Helicopter pilot Stéphane Buy was beaten, and his family threatened, when armed men forced him to help them break a French criminal out of jail.
Paris Gangster’s Helicopter Prison Escape Straight Out Of Hollywood Movie

Police are on the hunt for a notorious convicted gangster, who made his daring getaway from a Paris jail by helicopter over the weekend.
They Never Knew If Those Three Men Managed To Escape Alcatraz Alive – Until Now

Back in 1962, three men escaped from the island prison of Alcatraz. No one knows whether or not they ever survived the ordeal, but now there’s a new clue.
12 Prisoners In Alabama Used Peanut Butter To Bust Out Of Jail

When I think of ways to use peanut butter, a jailbreak wouldn’t immediately come to mind. Props to these smooth criminals then for their ingenuity.
Prison Escape Genius – They’re Calling This Inmate South Africa’s ‘Houdini’

There isn’t a more famous escape artist than Harry Houdini, but it turns out a local prisoner has been trying a few tricks of his own.
Incredible Prison Escape Via Helicopter Caught On Film [Video]

Those Canadians hey, they never cease to amaze. Just check out these prisoners going full Shawshank Redemption on their way out.
Oral Sex And Coat-Hole Access To Genitals – The Shawshank Jailbreak Insider’s Confession Is A Real Eye-Opener

Following the confession of the woman who aided and abetted the now famous New York prison escape last month the story has become even stranger. She did what now?
Hilarious Animation Shows Exactly How El Chapo Escaped [Video]

Following the release of El Chapo’s actual escape video some animation fans got together and created their own take on the matter. Different strokes for different folks.
The Real Reason Why They Were Able To Catch The First Escaped Convict So Easily

Let this be a lesson for future prison escapees – there are some things one shouldn’t do when on the run from law enforcement. Let’s raise a toast to this guy.
French Gangster Blasts Out Of Prison, Hollywood Style [PIC]

France got their own taste of an epic, Hollywood-style Prison Break this last Saturday, when one of their most notorious gangsters, Redoine Faid escaped from prison. Faid has claimed that his crimes are inspired by Scarface and Heat