Residing in an unknown location in Russia, the famous whistle blower Edward Snowden made an appearance in Vancouver via a robotic mobile camera. In his TED speech “Here’s how we take back the Internet,” Snowden speaks about surveillance, Internet freedom and PRISM.
Are you lonely? Don’t fear. You will never be alone again. Barry, your friend from the NSA, will always be there for you – forever… If you’re feeling lonely, just look over at your cellphone, computer, the crawl space in your attic or even inside of you… Barry is there for you in your time of need. Smile, because the NSA knows when you’re not.
So you haven’t completely wrapped your head around the massive National Security Agency (NSA) info leaks in the USA. Sure, you’ve heard the name “Edward Snowden” thrown around a few times, and Hong Kong is coming up now and again, but what the heck is the fuss all about?