Alleged Ponzi Scheme Mastermind Cost Investors Over R23 Million

Jaco Botha appeared in the Riversdale Magistrate’s Court after he was arrested for an alleged fraudulent investment scheme.
The Man Who Conned His Classmates With His Elaborate Harvard Business School Ponzi Scheme

In finance, having the right credentials – like degrees from top schools, experience at an A-list hedge fund, and spending summers in the right Long Island towns – has always been a proven way to pass through many of the industry’s key filters.
One Accused From That Massive R1.8-Billion BHI Ponzi Scheme Case Laundered R800 Million Betting At Sun City Casino

In the R1.8-billion BHI Ponzi scheme case, Sona Pillay is alleged to have visited the Sun City casino 131 times where he reportedly placed bets totalling R800 million over four years, , withdrawing large amounts in cash to launder the money.
Ponzi Scheme Masterminds Who Stole R100 Million For Holiday Homes And Cars See R59 Million Worth Of Assets Seized In Court

The assets belonging to these fraudsters were scattered around the country and ranged from vehicles to holiday home, and even a game farm.
Thursday Morning Spice

Counting under way in South Africa’s crucial election, World Rugby U20 Championship in Cape Town fixtures confirmed, Ackerman family cedes control of Pick n Pay, South African Ponzi mastermind gets 25 years in jail, and Expect high interest rates for the remainder of 2024.
Wheels Of Justice Are Turning Slowly For Jozi Fraudster Who Allegedly Stole Millions In Elaborate Ponzi Scheme

Apparently, the 30-something Joburger presented himself as a successful businessman claiming to have unique software for architectural rendering.
Thursday Morning Spice

Bernie Madoff dead. Crypto company’s huge stock market launch. Vaccine blood clots overhyped. SA airline price wars. Bieber’s very honest interview.
This D-List Actor Is Accused Of Taking Investors For More Than R3 Billion

If you recognise that man above, you must watch some pretty average movies and series. At least you haven’t been caught up in an alleged Ponzi scheme, though.
Man’s Attempt To Escape FBI Using ‘Water Scooter’ In A Freezing Lake Doesn’t End Well

Apart from his alleged $35 million Ponzi scheme, Matthew Piercey will go down in history as the guy who tried to evade justice using a water scooter.
BizNews Editor Being Sued For R5 Million After Mauritius Ponzi Scheme Accusations

Having accused Cobus Kellermann of operating a Mauritius-based Ponzi scheme, Alec Hogg is being sued for damages for defamation. Quite a pretty penny, too.
Does Your Friend Operate A “Multi-Level Marketing” Company? It’s Probably A Pyramid Scheme

Sometimes if it’s too good to be true it often is, like that friend who tells you to get in on the ground floor to make some quick and easy cash.
That Kellerman Ponzi Guy Reckons He’s In The Clear

Oh, yeah, the Ponzi scheme plot thickens right here on our doorstep – you may as well grab a glass of wine because that’s probably what this guy is doing in Stellenbosch.
Cape Town Man Named As Global Mastermind Of R200 Billion Ponzi Scheme

The ocean, the mountain and one of the world’s biggest Ponzi scheme operators – just three of the things Cape Town is known for. Introducing the frontrunner for this week’s ‘Wanker of the Week’ award.
Enjoy This Brand New Interview With Bernie Madoff

Good ‘ol Bernie Madoff. The former non-executive Chairman of the NASDAQ , stockbroker and financier who admitted to operating in a Ponzi scheme considered to be the largest financial fraud in US history, agreed to an interview with the Wall Street Journal while incarcerated.
American Judge Ruled Bitcoin “Can Be Used As Money” In Bitcoin Ponzi Scheme Case

Civil action case against Trendon Shavers and his company Bitcoin Savings and Trust for running a Ponzi scheme has in an American Judge ruling Bitcoin can be used as real money.