A former US Marine has set a new world record by planking for way, way longer than should be physically possible.
Rocking a flat belly requires some hard work, planking often included, but we all have some way to go before we can rival this man machine.
Hugh Hefner has had a tough time recently with his fiancé first dumping him, and then telling the press how bad he is in bed. So he did what any 85 year-old would do by throwing a party with a group of girls six decades younger than him. Only then did things get silly when they started planking – pics inside.
The world of ridiculous internet trends is a highly competitive one. There’s photo bombing, fail videos, planking, and most recently owling – all highly popular in their day, but now quickly becoming old news. I’m told the current meme flavour is called “leisure diving”, and involves jumping into a body of water whilst striking a “leisure pose” in mid-air. Examples inside.
If you haven’t been living under a rock the past few months than chances are maybe you’ve been planking on one. And, if pretending to be a piece of driftwood isn’t really your thing, than here’s your next chance to be a freak, while endangering your life at the same time. Ladies and gentlemen, I give you the next completely pointless, yet somewhat appealing Internet craze – Owling.