CISPA – the ugly cousin of other internet-crippling bills SOPA and PIPA, whether Facebook admits it or not – passed late last week in the GOP-controlled House of Representatives. Worse, the bill was amended before it passed to allow even more types of private information to be tapped and shared by government agencies in the US.
Sergey Brin, the Google co-founder everybody keeps forgetting about except when he talks about stuff like this, has pointed to a handful of “threats to internet freedom” – Facebook, Apple, the entertainment industry, and governments that censor their citizens. By which I guess he means threats to Google.
A new bill is making its way through congress – CISPA, the Cyber Intelligence Sharing and Protection Act, which is pretty much SOPA in different shoes. It’s another attempt to give copyright enforces carte blanche to spy on internet users and censor online content without just cause. Which is sort of bad.