Panama Prepares To Evacuate First Island Due To Rising Sea Levels

Recently climate change has been warming the waters in the region, intensifying storms and leading to flooding well beyond what the island can manage.
Cool Video Clip Shows The Engineering Genius Of The Panama Canal

The Panama Canal is perhaps one of the biggest engineering projects ever constructed and one of the Seven Wonders of the Modern World.
Gold Trove Of “Incalculable” Value Found In Tomb Of Ancient Lord In Panama

The tomb appears to have belonged to a high-status adult male – a great lord – who was buried on top of a woman.
Football Players And Movie Stars – Here’s A List Of Famous People Caught Up In The Panama Papers Scandal

Famous faces were no doubt going to be involved in the Panama Papers saga, but are they who you thought they would be?
What You Need To Know About The ‘Panama Papers’ Scandal Before You Get Left Behind – Quick Recap Here

You’ve no doubt heard the term thrown around a fair bit these past 24 hours – isn’t it time you latched on to what all the fuss is about?
Shocking – Panama Gunman Performs Hit In Fast Food Restaurant [Video]

Watch a man’s fast food lunch go rapidly downhill as a brazen gunman attempts to kill him in broad daylight. Not for the faint-hearted.
These Are The Best Places To Retire In 2014

Older people aren’t cut out for most kinds of city living. That’s not to say that they’re better off outdoors – because they suck at that too. What retirees need is cities that are tailored to suit their lifestyle.
Prostitute Describes Her “Delicious Night With Justin Bieber”

The Biebs just can’t do anything right lately. In a very short space of time, the Canadian has managed to sully his reputation quite badly. The problems seem to stem from a recent fascination with prostitutes. First, he was caught leaving a brothel under a bed sheet. Then he got hit in the face with a bottle. Then a ‘mystery woman’ (prostitute) posted a video of him in his bed – and now this.
Panamanian Footballer: Come On, Who Kicks An Owl? [VIDEO]
Panama defender and Deportivo Pereira player, Luis Moreno is in a lot of trouble after he kicked an owl.
DROP EVERYTHING. They’re Selling Whiskey In Cans
I’m not sure how to feel about this. Scottish Spirits is testing out canned whiskey in South America on the grounds that outdoor drinkers would rather not have to lug a bottle of the stuff around. You also look like less of an insane drunk if you’re taking sips from a can instead of swigs from a bottle of scotch, so there’s that.