Cape Town Is Moving Forward With Plans For A Permanent Desalination Plant

The desalination project is expected to produce 50 to 70 million litres of water a day by 2030.
Some Shady Twists And Turns Linked To Attack On Cape Luxury Car Dealership [Video]

Things appear to be considerably more complicated in the case of the attack on a Paarden Eiland luxury car dealership than initially thought.
Gang Of 40 Ransacks Luxury Car Dealership In Cape Town [Video]

The Toy Shop, a luxury and performance car dealership in Paarden Eiland, was ransacked by a group of around 40 men on Wednesday.
OMG – Cape Town Will Soon Have Its Own Indoor Trampoline Park [Images]

I firmly believe that we are only as old as we feel, which is exactly why this weekend promises to be the start of us old toppies feeling young once more. Jump up, jump up, jump around.