The Eastern Cape education crisis deepened yesterday as it was announced that Modidima Mannya had resigned as Eastern Cape education department head. Eastern Cape Premier, Noxolo Kiviet, made the announcement and said the agreement was “in the best interest” of education in the province.
2oceansvibe Exclusive: Amateur footage has emerged, in which a woman, bearing striking resemblance and vocal tone to Eastern Cape Premier, Noxolo Kiviet, is seen inebriated and shouting obscenities in an Eastern Cape bar. The man who filmed the video alleges that the woman in the video, who states “Black people, they like to lie” (0:27) and “You white people like to say the truth, but the truth will never take you to heaven”, (02:41) at two separate points, is indeed Eastern Cape Premier, Noxolo Kiviet. CLICK THROUGH TO VIEW THE VIDEO