If this is Nicky’s first novel, we can’t wait to read the next one.
Because we spend so much time staring at a screen these days, reading a book is a welcome break from the monotony.
The judges for the Bad Sex In Fiction Award have decided not to subject us to more horror in 2020.
If you’re looking for something to read, or to add to your extensive reading list, we’ve got you covered.
An initiative in the US has made it possible for people around the world to access a seemingly endless supply of books online.
There’s a scandal shaking the romance novel industry, and it’s far spicier than anything you’ll find in the pages of a Mills & Boon.
They’ve unearthed a previously unseen manuscript for a follow-up to writer Anthony Burgess’ famous novel, ‘A Clockwork Orange’.
Thanks to Trump, Michael Wolff has joined the list of the highest paid authors. Stephen King is also back and J.K. Rowling no longer occupies the top spot.
A new book has been released containing photos of the most stunning libraries around the world. If you’re a bibliophile, you’re going to love this.
When you open up the floor to Twitter users you’re inviting a whole host of trouble. Author E.L. James found that out with hilarious consequences.