Norwegian Cartoonist Asks South Park To Help Defuse Damage Terrorist Caused
In the wake of the Norwegian terror attacks, a cartoonist and writer from Norway has written a letter to the creators of South Park. In it he appeals to them to help defuse the damage that Anders Behring Breivik has caused over the weekend, by writing an episode of South Park about it. Read his full message inside.
Youth Played Dead To Avoid Being Shot By Lone Gunman Who Killed 92 People On An Island
Well it seems that technique does work. I think many of us have had that chat about “what would you do if” a madman stormed a restaurant and started spraying bullets. I have often said (and if you’ve also said it before, then you heard it from me) that I would play dead. Just lie […]
Japan Walks Out On Whaling Talks
Pro-whaling representatives from Japan, Iceland and some African and Caribbean nations, upped and left the room yesterday at a gathering of the International Whaling Commission. The topic they were touchy about was a proposal to create a sanctuary for whales in the South Atlantic. Guess walking out was a simple way to ensure the vote could not proceed?
Norway To Train Foreign Diplomats In Black Metal
In yet another move to convince us that Scandinavian politics makes sense: the government of Norway is inexplicably offering to ‘train’ foreign diplomats in the ways of black metal. As in, the musical genre. Specifically, ‘True Norwegian Black Metal’, which you would know by now if you were a foreign diplomat in Norway.
Over The Line, Period
Those Scandinavians, darem. Not only do they have lovely fjords, now they’re also setting trends in the workplace. The latest management technique to come from Norway involves women wearing red armbands when it’s that time of the month. I kid you not.