“Doubts Creep In” – BBC Looks At SA’s Shifting Lockdown Mindset

As we reach the seventh week of our national lockdown, which is one of the toughest on earth, the voices of dissent grow louder.
Video Of KZN Toddler ‘Arrest’ Causes Outrage

A disturbing video filmed in Ballito shows a child screaming in fear as metro police carry out an arrest.
Tuesday Morning Spice

Alert level 3 looming? William Booth suspects charged. Elon defies health officials. Trevor Manuel speaks out against lockdown. iPhone details leaked. Liverpool will be champs.
Update On When We Can Expect Schools To Reopen

Parents hoping for clarity with regards when schools will reopen may have to wait a little longer, with the South African Teachers’ Union raising concerns.
Alert Level 3 – Which Lockdown Rules And Regulations Could Change

As things stand, South Africa remains on alert level 4, and there is no timeframe given for when we may be downgraded to alert level 3.
Lifestyles About To Change, As SA’s Business Confidence Index Falls To All-Time Low

Whilst it is the country’s poorest citizens that will be most affected, everyone can expect their lifestyles to change as the economic effects of COVID-19 play out.
A THIRD Of South Africa Has Gone To Bed Hungry During Lockdown

Before COVID-19 hit, and the country went into lockdown, South Africa had a food crisis. That continues to deepen at an alarming rate.
The ‘Walk Down The Aisle’ Meme Highlights Something We Miss During Lockdown

Aisles are trending right now, but they’re probably not the aisles you’re thinking of.
R5 000 Fine For Breaking These Lockdown Rules

Chances are you’ve engaged in a little bootlegging to get your hands on booze or smokes, but you could land yourself a hefty fine for doing so.
Even Surfers Should See The Humour In This Beach Protest Piss-Take

Earlier in the week, many surfers protested about the beaches remaining closed on alert level 4. Cue the jokes and piss-takes.
Want To Operate Your Business In Alert Level 4? Here’s How To Get Your Certificate

A number of businesses have been allowed to open their doors during alert level four, provided they have a certificate.
Should You Pay Your Private School Fees During Lockdown?

Parents educating their children at home have some pressing questions about whether or not they should continue paying school fees.
A Response To Mike Abel’s Open Letter To SA Ministers And President Ramaphosa

South African marketing guru Mike Abel’s open letter has been widely shared these past few days. Here’s a response from someone who doesn’t exactly see eye to eye with Mike.
Actuary Panel Goes Hard At Ramaphosa – Lockdown Is “Humanitarian Disaster To Dwarf COVID-19”

A specialist panel headed by actuaries has concluded that economically restrictive lockdown measures may cause many more deaths than COVID-19 itself.
Cigarette Sales Ban – The Tobacco Industry’s Four Main Arguments

The Fair Trade Independent Tobacco Association has outlined its argument for the lifting of the tobacco sales ban.
Five Tips To Keep Your Scooter Or Bike In Top Condition During Lockdown

Leaving your scooter or bike idle in the garage, or out on the street, could have some dire consequences down the line.
Muizenberg Protester Flees On Bike During Police Beach Crackdown [Videos]

Protesters gathered close to Muizenberg beach this morning, and law enforcement appeared to be in an unforgiving mood.
Can You Move Into A New House During Alert Level 4?

The easing of the lockdown began as a cause for celebration, followed by confusion, especially when it comes to moving into a new property.
Latest SA Jobs Report Paints A Very Grim Picture

Nedbank’s latest report on how our first 35 days of lockdown will impact South Africa’s job market is a kick to the midriff, and a reminder that the toughest times may still lie ahead.
SA’s Most Notorious Cigarette Smuggler Breaks His Silence

Renowned tobacco smuggler Adriano Mazzotti has come forward to address claims that he influenced the government’s decision to ban cigarette sales.
Ramaphosa Addresses Rumours That Dlamini-Zuma Overruled Him On Cigarette Ban

In his weekly newsletter this morning, President Ramaphosa finally addressed the rollback on the sale of tobacco products announced last week.
Something To Consider When Looking At Those ‘Lack Of Physical Distancing’ Photos

Pictures of a packed Sea Point promenade caused outrage over the weekend. That was poor form, but other photos from around the world have been picked apart for being deceptive.
Important Legal Info For Businesses Opening This Week

Here’s what employees and employers need to know about resuming operations this week, and what is expected from all parties.
Great Online Tool Shows You How Far You Can Exercise From Home

Starting from tomorrow (May 1), you can now exercise between 6AM and 9AM, within a five-kilometre radius of your house. Here’s the easiest way to work that out.
Actually, Cigarette Sales Are Banned For Alert Level 4

Last night, Nkosazana Dlamini-Zuma, dropped the bomb that the government would be going back on the decision to allow the sale of tobacco products.
Daily Maverick Reckons SA Curfew Is Overkill

It’s fair to say a great deal of the nation’s goodwill was eroded yesterday, and much focus has turned towards exactly why a curfew is necessary.
Can’t Remember Which Day It Is? You’re Not Alone

Struggling to remember which day it is during the lockdown, or losing track of time? Don’t worry, you’re not the only one.
SA’s Pineapple Sales Show How Desperate We Have Become

Unless South Africans have suddenly developed an obsession for pineapple with every meal, there is something brewing.
What Needs To Happen Before Alcohol Sales Are Allowed Again

South Africa’s alert level 4 does not allow for the sale of alcohol, but alert level 3 currently does, within restricted trading hours.
How The Lockdown Has Impacted Crime Stats In South Africa

Police minister, Bheki Cele has released the crime stats for the lockdown, compared to the same time period last year.