[Wednesday Evening] There is a coup under way in Egypt right now. You can watch it happen live online streaming right here.
Multiple news sources reported today that a senior Egyptian general has come forward to confirm that forced “virginity checks” had been performed on women arrested during demonstrations. This had previously been denied by military authorities, but general Amr Imam has not only confirmed but defended the practice as a protective measure for the women’s own good.
Speak2Tweet was launched over the weekend, a joint venture by Twitter and Google that allows anybody to post to Twitter using just a phone connection, in the hopes of getting more word out about the situation in Egypt as it unfolds. Google bought the company that engineered the technology last week because hey, it’s Google.
Alright, yes, I know, I’m the liberal media and I’m just getting all uppity at Fox over it’s insane coverage of this silly little ‘Egypt’ thing. But you will understand if I get a little worried when Egypt’s biggest ally’s most popular news source literally fails to find Egypt on the map. Follow the link and check this out..