Tuesday, March 11, 2025

Christina Aguilera Dishes On Her ‘Sexcapades’

Britney-Lite might have let the genie out of the bottle in 1999, but with her latest ‘revelation’ she is perhaps hoping to grab some of the attention that her contemporaries have been basking in lately.

Dinner In The Sky: The Fancy Restaurant Dangling In Mid-Air [VIDEO]

A new concept restaurant has met with some recent success. Dinner in the Sky has diners, dining table and waitstaff hoisted some 50 meters into the sky with a crane, where they can enjoy a high-altitude gourmet meal. The latest branch just opened up in in Brussels – take a look after the jump.

FAA Say Couple Who Had Sex Mid-Skydive Did Not Break Law

Last month, part-time skydiving instructor Alex Torres was fired from his job after he made a sex tape of him and the company’s receptionist in an airplane before jumping out in tandem and continuing the act midair. But luckily for them the Federal Aviation Administration won’t press charges, because they did not “distract the pilot from concentrating on his flying.”

It’s Not Porn, It’s A Documentary – Courtesy Of Qantas Air

Yes, ladies and gentlemen, a 50-minute long ‘instructional video’ is now available on the in-flight entertainment systems of select few Qantas flights. The movie, called ‘The Female Orgasm Explained’, claims to explain the ‘mysteries’ of female sexual pleasure. Don’t be surprised if, on you’re next long haul, you find a third sock in the complimentary toilet bag.

Air New Zealand Introduces “Cuddle Class”

Travellers to next month’s Rugby World Cup may be pleased to discover that Air New Zealand has recently launched its ‘cuddle class’ seats. A redesign of the Boeing 777-300 now allows economy class travellers to lie flat for the first time on a long haul flight. A lovely idea, as long as you’re not very tall.