The wins are a boost for the struggling airline industry in South Africa.
Look, we best be satisfied with the “low cost” airlines that we have, because it is apparently impossible to launch or sustain a third one in this country. Tw0 rival airlines launched an urgent application at the Pretoria High Court to have the airline grounded before its maiden flight – the court granted the order.
Barely a month passes in South Africa without fresh news of additional competition in the low-cost airline space. Now, a band of completely new players in the market has entered stage left, and has announced that they will be in the sky by the “last quarter” of this year, with ticket sales set to get underway as early as next month.
Michael O’Leary, Cief Executive of Ryanair budget airlines is thinking out the box right now. He told The Telegraph that seatbelts on planes won’t save anyone, and wants to make low-cost “standing room only” cabins a reality.