What if I told you there was a drug that could make you smarter overnight – is that something you might be interested in? Of course you would, and so is Silicon Valley.
Lucy is a high concept sci-fi action film from Luc Besson, starring Scarlett Johansson and Morgan Freeman. The subtitle on the movie poster for Lucy reads “The average person uses 10% of their brain capacity. Imagine what she could do with a 100%.”. This intriguing premise is what attracts and repels in what seems like a mash […]
When browsing the internet, it’s hard to tell how much time you’re wasting. You get sucked into an endless vortex of ridiculous amounts of time-wasting content.
“What if a pill could make you rich and powerful?” is the tag line for Limitless, a film adaptation of Alan Glynn’s novel that plays with the notion that we only use part of our minds. Just like the little blue sex wonder drug, Limitless imagines the scenario if a drug could be designed to […]