Did You See The Intense Day-Time Lightning On Saturday? [Images]

TMNP cautioned hikers and runners to avoid some areas within the Table Mountain National Park area affected by the fires caused by the lightning from Saturday.
Experts Warn It Won’t Be Pretty If Lightning Strikes While You’re Taking A Shower

Yes, just like a cockroach, lightning can use your plumbing as a conduit, and even just washing your hands can make you a perfect target for Thor’s bolts.
Our Favourites From The Weather Photographer Of The Year 2022 Competition

This is the Royal Meteorological Society’s 7th edition of the contest, with images for the main and mobile categories coming from photographers in 119 countries.
Why Lightning Can Sometimes Shoot 80km Upwards In “Gigantic Jets” [Video]

A particularly powerful bolt of lightning, which darted upwards from a thunderstorm in Oklahoma, delivered the largest charge transfer to space on record.
The Precise Moment Three Selfie-Takers Were Struck By Lightning [Images]

Three unsuspecting London siblings – Rachel, Isobel, and Andrew Jobson – were struck by lightning, with the exact moment captured in a selfie.
Ever Seen Lightning Perfectly Decimate A Tree? [Video]

A lightning bolt in the US was captured striking a tree with perfect aim, and totally destroying it in the process.
You Saw That Footballer Get Nailed By Lightning, Right? [Video]

Ivan Zaborovsky may only be 16, but he already has quite a story to tell.
Radical Moment Lightning Strikes At PGA Tour Championship – Six Injured [Videos]

Saturday’s third round of the PGA Tour Championship was suspended after a lightning strike at East Lake Golf Club in Atlanta, Georgia, left six spectators injured.
Stunning Pictures And Videos From Last Night’s #CapeStorm

You might have though that last night’s sunset was one for the books, but then came the lightning. Boy, did Mother Nature spoil us.
Spectacular Pics Of Last Night’s Thunderstorm In Cape Town

Mother Nature put on quite a show of force in Cape Town last night, and the city’s finest photographers were on hand to snap some amazing shots.
Amazing Pics And Videos Of Lightning Striking Buildings In New York This Week

On Tuesday evening, New York experienced some outragously impressive thunderstorms.We found a collection of moments so you can feel like you were there.
What Survivors Remember About Being Struck By Lightning

There are plenty of facts and figures thrown around about how often people are struck by lightning, but how often do you hear firsthand accounts?
Video Shows Empire State Building Getting Hit By Lightning

During a summer storm in New York, a journalist caught lightning striking the Empire State building and its pretty spectacular.
Here’s What Happens When Lightning Just Misses You [Video]

You have to be pretty unlucky to be struck by lightning, although these two guys will be counting their blessings after this bolt from the sky.
Lightning Strike Hitting Boeing 737 Caught On Camera [Video]

Most of us are pretty grumpy if our flight gets delayed due to inclement weather. This guy in Georgia may disagree after watching lightning wreak havoc.
Lightning Hunter Gets Struck While Filming Lightning [Video]

A Seattle man out for a walk this past Saturday was hit by a bolt of lightning as he stopped to film the oncoming storm.
Is This Usain Bolt Lightning Pic The Best Sports Pic Of 2013?

Usain Bolt is the fastest man on the planet. This shot of him winning the 100m dash at the track and field world championships in Moscow has become an instant classic and is arguably the best sports pic of 2013… So far, anyway. What you have here is the fastest man on earth – named bolt – pictured with a bolt of lightning. Yes, poetry does actually happen in real life.
Incredible Shots Of Yesterday’s Lightning Storm In Cape Town [Photo Gallery]

Local photographer and 2oceansviber, Dylan Haskin, took these shots early yesterday evening, as Cape Town witnessed an epic lightning storm. I watched it from the Safe House in Camps Bay and was hoping someone took some pics! Click through for gallery.
The US Army Has A Laser-Guided Lightning Gun
In more news to terrify you, the US Army has released photographs depicting their new laser-guided lightning gun blowing up a car. They’re calling it the Laser-Induced Plasma Channel (LIPC) because it’s important to make the ability to call down lightning with a laser pointer sound safe.
Calm After The Storm – A Wrap Up Of CT’s Weather Week In Photos
Commenting on the weather is usually as insightful as commenting that a pregnant chick’s belly “is growing”. It’s obvious, a bit silly and we all still do it. But in Cape Town this week the weather really was worth mentioning – and worth looking back at.