“Rhinos Under Threat” is a new YouTube documentary aiming to raise public awareness of the current crisis faced by poaching. It launched at the Rio+20 Conference earlier this week. See the full 28-minute film inside, however be warned that it might be upsetting for sensitive viewers.
I just had to look up the words “EPIC” and “FAIL” in the dictionary, and would you know, this story was listed underneath each description. A South African conservation group demonstrating an anti-poaching method for reporters accidentally killed the rhinoceros they were using in the demonstration.
A public and media outcry followed the release of information that a KZN businessman, who has not been identified, made a winning bid of R969 150 for the right to hunt a male white rhino in Mkuze Game Reserve. Rhino hunting permits are actually issued far more often than you might think.
Government has decided to mull over the idea of legalising the trade of rhino horn in a bid to curb the illegal trade and protect the endangered species. This comes in the wake of the news that we have lost over 138 rhinos in the first quarter of 2011.