Mark Zuckerberg has seen his fair share of headaches this year, and the latest one sees people dying due to the spread of fake WhatsApp messages.
WhatsApp’s co-founders have given up billions of rands after splitting from Facebook over petty issues such as chairs, desk sizes and bathroom designs.
Whatsapp have released their latest figures, and Mr. Zuckerberg will be pretty happy with himself for snapping the messaging app up as they are through the roof!
By now you’ll have heard that Facebook has purchased Whatsapp, an app that most consumers use for free, for $19 billion. The deal was signed at a very sentimental location for co-founder Jan Koum: the former North County Social Services office – the place where he used to stand in line to collect food stamps.
It is refreshing to hear that some companies prioritise the consumers wants and needs over their own. WhatsApp’s founders could be a lot wealthier than they already are, but choose not to utilise those paths.