Tuesday, March 11, 2025

Are Your Kids All Over Your iPad? Try These Top 5 Apps For Kids

If the kids are all over the iPad, indulge them in some educational games, so they’re at least learning something while they’re hogging your gadget. Children’s Technology Review shared these top five iPad apps to download for the kids. Wreck It Ralph Storybook Deluxe For ages five and up. There are 35 screens with two […]

Apple iPhone 5S And New iPads To Launch Soon – Very Soon

The iPhone 5 was released in South Africa late in 2012, and users have barely had time to scratch their screens. But according to iMore, Apple is not wasting any time in rolling 0ut an update of the handset.  The new iPhone S5 could be released as soon as August 2013, while new iterations of […]

iPhone Apps You Need: Share Files With Everyone In The Room

Ever wanted to share a presentation, video, music file or high res photo from your phone to your friends, or recent acquaintances? The baked-in sharing options currently available on your standard iPhone make video sharing a tedious affair. Even with DropBox, you need to ask for someone’s email address, and then you have to invite them, […]

WATCH: Apple’s Drops New TVC Adverts For The iPad Line [VIDEO]

On Sunday evening Apple released two new TV ads for the popular iPad range. In keeping with their vibe, they’ve gone with a very clean, toned down feel. There’s your white background, clean messaging and great visuals of demonstrations of what the Apple iStore apps have to offer. Quite mean. [Source: Mashable]

PaperTab – The Paper-Thin Tablet That Can Be Rolled Up

The laptop or tablet device of the future might just be one that rolls up and can be shoved into your pocket. A new paper-thin device with a flexible plastic screen that users can bend and touch to change the display has just been unveiled.

Turn Your iPad Into A Laptop!

I kind of dig the flat screen keyboard on the iPad, but a lot of people don’t. I like watching movies and reading mags on the iPad, other people don’t. Some people like using it more documents and presentations and writing emails etc. If YOU are one of those people, then you will LOVE this […]

Proof That The Cold War Is Over: Russia Is Building A Steve Jobs Monument

A monument dedicated to Steve Jobs is in the works to go up in the main square of St. Petersburg, Russia. The Foundation of IT Progress – the organization behind the initiative – has launched a competition to find the best concept for the memorial. Do you think you know what a proper Steve Jobs memorial should look like?

Leaked Images Show iPad Was Prototyped Eight Years Ago [PICS]

Fanboys always claim that Apple is basically giving us technology from the future. And if these leaked images are anything to go by, they might not be too far off. The photos show that while the iPad was only officially released in 2010, the tablet was already knocking around Apple HQ as long ago as 2002!

Google Enters Tablet Market With Nexus 7, Also Launches Glass

Google had it’s big developer conference recently, and with the rise of the technology giant, it’s exciting to see what’s coming in the future. The two most exciting technologies on display were most certainly Google Glass, a pair of wearable internet glasses. Google has also launched its own tablet, the Nexus 7, which may just give the iPad a run for its money.

iPads Are Replacing Traditional In-Flight Entertainment

A low-cost Singaporean airline has begun offering passengers iPads as an alternative to traditional in-flight entertainment. The bold move has allowed the airline to slash costs while improving passengers’ experience while on board.

Stream Video Straight To Your iDevice With TiVo

As the number of series and TV shows we watch grows, so do the ways in which we do so. The good old days of sitting down in front of your TV to enjoy an episode Friends are steadily on their way out as we make room for the next upgrade in mobile technology – streaming recorded footage straight to your iOS device.

Hello, Future: Move Files Across Devices With A Swipe [VIDEO]

People over at MIT have developed a piece of open-source software that lets you drag files from your phone to your computer or tablet or whatever with a swipe of a finger. It’s simple and clever and looks like the future – and it works. They’re calling it Swÿp. Take a look at the demo after the jump.

Awesome iPad Presentation Is Awesome [VIDEO]

Still don’t get why the iPad is the best tablet out there? Then check out this presentation by two Swedish magicians – their use of seven iPads, along with some old-fashioned trickery, should clear things up for you. Bucket loads of amazing are waiting for you – after the jump.

iPad 3 Specifications Spotted In The Wild

It’s less than a week to go until the iPad 3 is unveiled, so everybody and their grandma is throwing out thoughts about what the new toy can do. Concrete stats are emerging though – Apple employees have been browsing the web with their personal iPad 3’s, turning up details about the new tablet on website server logs.

Apple Doctor Will Fix Your iPhone Or iPod + Fetch / Deliver

I give credit when credit is due, and this you have to hear. You see just last weekend I was chilling with The Muse at the Mount Nelson pool (anyone can chill there, as long as you use the Labrisa Spa first – locals get a 25% discount) and we were enjoying some scones and […]

Apple’s Invite To 7 March Event – Reveals Retina Display For iPad 3

Okay kids. It’s here. Official, straight from the horse’s mouth. I normally adopt the policy that any news regarding an Apple product should come from Apple themselves, and it doesn’t come clearer than this – the invitation to the “special event” next week. Apple is also known for giving away clues in their invitations – hit continue to see what we think this one is hinting at.

VISI Magazine Is Available On iPad

I have annual subscriptions to about 12 different magazines on my iPad 2 (get yours here). From Vanity Fair and the New Yorker, to Time, Fortune, Hello (weekly, if you don’t mind), Wired, Wallpaper and Rolling Stone. A lot of them are through the Zinio magazine app. It’s great to flip through the very latest […]

New Amazon Ad Pokes Fun At iPad [VIDEO]

In the battle for king of the ebook readers, Apple has been fighting pretty hard. iBooks for the iPad is a beautiful piece of software, there’s no denying it. Apple’s only real competition comes from Amazon, with it’s range of Kindle products. These have all been revamped recently – with a new ad to go with it. Full vid after the jump.

German Court Rejects Samsung’s 3G Patent Lawsuit Against Apple

Man, Samsung, you guys have been losing pretty much everything against Apple in the past couple of weeks. Germany’s Mannheim Regional court reached a decision on one point of the continuing lawsuit between Apple and Samsung, rejecting the claim that Apple have infringed upon Samsung’s German 3G patents.

‘Apple In Education’ Launches New Digital Educational Tools

As part of their ‘reinvention of the textbook,’ Apple yesterday unveiled three new applications for use in the digital educational under their Apple in Education program: iBooks 2, iBooks Author, and iTunes U. The tools are designed to allow for interactive textbooks, digital textbook creation, and open-access educational resources from top universities, respectively.

iPad Survives 30km Drop From Space [VIDEO]

It’s nice that companies are willing to go to insane lengths to try and make us buy their things. Take G-Form, who wrapped up an Apple tablet in their ‘Extreme Edge’ case, and launched it into space on a weather balloon before dropping it back to earth to prove how extreme their case really is.

#malema – The Twitter Highlights Package

Julius Malema’s hearing today has pretty much brought all productivity to a halt, with most of us holding our breath to hear the result. Twitter was abuzz with activity, and stressed to all of us the importance of putting your iPad on silent before a big speech.

Band Jams Entire Song Live Using Only iPads [VIDEO]

Feel free to file this one under “awesome.” Indie band, moe., who I’m sure you’ve never heard of, has performed a live version of their song “Crab Eyes” – using nothing but iPads. See this amazing video after the jump.

India Has Launched The Cheapest Tablet Device In The World

Can’t afford an iPad? Still confused about whether RIM is or isn’t discontinuing the BlackBerry tablet (er, or as a technology company generally)? You may be interested in the Aakash. It means ‘sky’ in Hindi – and it’s been launched today in India under the tagline “the cheapest tablet computer in the world”.

Foxconn Increases Reliance On Robots For Manufacturing

Because robots can’t get depressed over awful working conditions and commit suicide, you see. Also we don’t have a robot union yet, so Foxconn (the guys who manufacture the iPhone and iPad) won’t need to worry about the slowly increasing factory worker wages in Taiwan, which are driving overhead costs upwards throughout the fancy-technology-making-industry.

Maker Of Blackberry’s Shares Fall

South African’s just love their Blackberrys, and annoyingly rave about how cool they are, and constantly put their Blackberry pins up on Facebook, saying, “Just got my BB. Add me guys!” But RIM, the company that makes the annoying device, seems to be in quite the spot of bother.