The daily grind often leaves little time for one to properly manage an investment portfolio. Luckily, there’s a pretty easy way to get rid of all that hassle.
Everyone wants a decent nest egg when they decide to live the good life, but it’s amazing how a little error here and there can end up costing you millions.
Making any Forbes list is something of an achievement, so it’s pretty impressive that one of our local lads has made the cut this time around.
I have said this many times and I still believe it to be true. Every bank can and will let you down at some stage. People who have loyalty to a particular bank are just lucky.
Coca-Cola earnings shock. Apple’s mammoth market value. Whitney’s daughter to die on same day. French baby-swap case payout. Britain to get driveless cars very soon. Parliament tells DA to pay back the money. SA rhino horn sale?
It may have come as a shock to this man when his bank account got a serious boost but he didn’t waste any time putting it to good use. Legal? Maybe not.
The around-the-water-cooler discussion is always “what would you do if you won the lottery?”, and while everyone comes up with ludicrous spending ideas, it’s good to have the best of both worlds and spend wisely. Right?
There are a lot of lists and columns explaining how to retire rich in a global sense. But you never get a South African perspective. We got in touch with a top private wealth manager, for his insight into what smart moves should be made.